Miguel Escalera
@migue0583 on WordPress.org
- Member Since: August 29th, 2020
- Location: Pue, MX
- Website: migue0583-dev.blogspot.com
Contribution History
Miguel Escalera’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2577467] to Plugins SVN:
Testing update for 5.8 -
Committed [2377562] to Plugins SVN:
Tested for latest wp version. -
Committed [2377557] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed weird symbols for bullets. -
Committed [2377556] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed weird symbols for bullets. -
Committed [2377554] to Plugins SVN:
Media added for banner and icons -
Committed [2377553] to Plugins SVN:
First stable release. -
Committed [2377552] to Plugins SVN:
First full version to be tagged.
Auto-Social Meta Tags ASMT83
Active Installs: 20+