Posted a reply to no presenter scheduled despite the schedule been fine, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'm having the same issue which was not occurring previously. Had to deselect "AJAX Load… -
Posted a reply to Wordefence: * The Plugin “Radio Station” has a security vulnerability., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Great stuff! Thank you! -
Created a topic, Wordefence: * The Plugin “Radio Station” has a security vulnerability., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Freemius SDK <= 2.5.9 - Reflected Cross-Site Script… -
Created a topic, Modified plugin file, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
On various sites that I maintain I got a Wordfence sca… -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tony, I sent you an email via your website support page. Thanks, Alvaro -
Created a topic, Great Plugin – Great Support, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
If your looking for a robust solution to build and man… -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tony, Thanks for the update! All issues cleared up! Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey Tony, The further I investigate, the more admin interface issues I'm also noticing. I… -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sounds good... look forward to hearing back from you. I was testing to see if… -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'm not sure about the unrelated player question. The player was created by another department. -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
The pop up is part of adplugg.com which is an ad server service. It runs… -
Posted a reply to [Radio Station] Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tony, Looks like the Freemius issues have still not been resolved. Link to warning: https://itsec-site-scanner.ithemes.com/vulnerability-details/djIubG9jYWwucW02QVdYRS1jbjFzZTluSkprUG9kNjVaQVZ0di1ET01QaXQ5TFZzdWxaclZnYjBsYXRHQzdMejdVWU9Ic0NESlhlQklRYm9Sak9ybXkycDBIbG1QZFY2SFYyRWxIYkppVUpMTEQtWE9DX29pYnJHU29VdnBrbmR0Y3hQci1hYVJta1hWRW1JWVN3VkJUeDE2QlJBaGZYcGNGdXdQMmMtSVhEQnFoOC0yN2cwZkhrVFpIcThsbV80a3FhZnBGUEtnMEt3dHFUMUlhenNmSS1hMml2aVg1d09STFpxV2Y2R0N2SENLY3FZeWFXcy0taHVyVUVNcnVEaGFmYjY5UjJUZ3RoV1Q5eThzVVViUGpfRFg0ZVZEWDkxbWdKRXJTUzVnRHl1VHpYZ1J6d0hCT2hHU3VGelh3QXZ4SXN1YmppZ1k5ZjdYclFqUWtoekNMM1FiUkJVQXVra1p6R251dkJvR3lVR0dOQjFLa1VEc0IxbHZjdVEtOHFkUjFWS0M4WGVWODZDS0JLd2ViMkYyTDFkbjR4OF9Yb0lVVHBMaDdHLTBJUC1Q?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE2NDY1OTY0ODMsImlhdCI6MTY0NjU5NjQ4MywiZXhwIjoxNjQ3MjAxMjgzLCJncmFudCI6Iml0c2VjLXNpdGUtc2Nhbm5lci1tYW5hZ2Utc2NhbiIsInVzZXIiOjN9.RdAKtkinwSVYdRgC1ubXTNYaX7wpXHaqSCb0zgB00Dg… -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tony, You can see some of the interface issues that have occurred after the update… -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tony, after updating to the latest release I encountered a whole bunch of interface issues.… -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Any idea on when the update will be released? Thanks! -
Posted a reply to Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Great Thanks! -
Created a topic, Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Got this warning today… The scheduled site scan … -
Posted a reply to tabs responsive with woocommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Same issue here... what a nightmare. -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@tonyzeoli SUCCESS!!! No critical errors when updating to!!! -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@tonyzeoli Some information on similar issues where repository is not updating: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-not-updating-after-commit/ -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@tonyzeoli still hasn't updated on wordpress repository... when I download or updated the plugin, its… -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
So comparing the two .zip files, radio-station-master.zip, the radio-station.php has 3720 lines of code. While… -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tony, Following up on... So I updated the plugin via the WordPress repository as mention… -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I actually tried it several ways by downloading the plugin and overwriting the plugin via… -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Tony, So I updated the plugin via the WordPress repository as mention "download repo on… -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thank you Tony! -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Moving forward when there is a release, the patch will be included correct? Wasn't clear… -
Posted a reply to There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Howdy! WordPress version 5.8.1 Current theme: Uncode Child (version 1.0.0) Current plugin: Radio Station (version… -
Created a topic, There has been a critical error on this website., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
After installing the latest update from to 2.4… -
Posted a reply to Tabbed view not tabbing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Any updates on the tabs issue? -
Posted a reply to Tabbed view not tabbing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
@majick Strange thing... when I visit the demo page I'm seeing the same issue I'm… -
Posted a reply to Tabbed view not tabbing, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Yes I noticed the same issue... It's also not working at Radio Station demo page… -
Posted a reply to Overwriting CSS, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Would it be possible to get instruction on overwriting css style sheets?