Suggested 325 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [875057] to Plugins SVN:
plugin file updated -
Committed [875056] to Plugins SVN:
Wrong place to put this -
Committed [875055] to Plugins SVN:
plugin file updated -
Committed [875054] to Plugins SVN:
plugin read me updated -
Committed [875053] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0 still available in its own dir in the tags -
Committed [875051] to Plugins SVN:
plugin file -
Committed [875050] to Plugins SVN:
plugin readme -
Committed [875048] to Plugins SVN:
plugin license -
Committed [875047] to Plugins SVN:
arrow image -
Committed [875030] to Plugins SVN:
Old versions just in case -
Committed [560041] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my first plugin