Committed [2392191] to Plugins SVN:
Add WatermelonICT as contributor -
Committed [2336534] to Plugins SVN:
Put the video in the right readme -
Committed [2336532] to Plugins SVN:
Move video to under description -
Committed [2336531] to Plugins SVN:
Test commit -
Committed [2336526] to Plugins SVN:
Add youtube video -
Committed [2302593] to Plugins SVN:
Add bigger banner -
Committed [2302587] to Plugins SVN:
Add new Banner for new conversation overview -
Committed [2195698] to Plugins SVN:
Change the api key name -
Committed [2193457] to Plugins SVN:
V1.0.1 Add success message on saving api key -
Committed [2192909] to Plugins SVN:
update tags in readme -
Committed [2192896] to Plugins SVN:
add small banner -
Committed [2192893] to Plugins SVN:
update readme -
Committed [2192892] to Plugins SVN:
readme update -
Committed [2192891] to Plugins SVN:
update the readme -
Committed [2192882] to Plugins SVN:
stage to prod -
Committed [2192881] to Plugins SVN:
stage to prod url -
Committed [2192880] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [2191692] to Plugins SVN:
Add icons