

Hello, I am a retired programmer analyst since 2016. Passionate about programming since the 80s, I have always put my hands into the code: VB, Java, JS, Windev, PHP, HTML, CSS, Python .. I understand several languages: FR, EN, NL, DE, IT, RU. I do not have enough experience with this languages to translate from FR to DE, IT, RU but I feel able to translate from DE, IT, RU to FR.
However, I can participate in FR, EN, NL, from / to FR, EN, NL translations.

WordPress Origin Story

Since the 2000s, I have been frequently asked to create websites for people or associations without profit goals. I was quickly convinced by the WP model after trying other systems like Drupal or Joomla !.
Since 2009, I mainly use WP for my achievements.
I would be honored to make personal contributions to this community.
Best regards,

  • Member Since: July 29th, 2009
  • Location: Belgium
  • Website:;
  • GitHub: mdevil64
  • Find me on:
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