Committed [2181645] to Plugins SVN:
Modified File -
Committed [2181579] to Plugins SVN:
Modified File -
Committed [2181577] to Plugins SVN:
Modified File -
Committed [2181576] to Plugins SVN:
Modified File -
Committed [2181548] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Structure -
Committed [2181543] to Plugins SVN:
Testing -
Committed [2181541] to Plugins SVN:
Testing -
Committed [2181534] to Plugins SVN:
Modified File paths -
Committed [2180646] to Plugins SVN:
Change the Structure, fixed frontend issues and code optimized -
Committed [1938500] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin new Screenshots -
Committed [1938494] to Plugins SVN:
Added captcha, made folder structure and form look and feel with validation -
Committed [1858473] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed variable error -
Committed [1856187] to Plugins SVN:
Set the header variable -
Committed [1856186] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the field name -
Committed [1855170] to Plugins SVN:
Image Fixed -
Committed [1855165] to Plugins SVN:
Image Fixed -
Committed [1855164] to Plugins SVN:
Change the image extensions -
Committed [1855158] to Plugins SVN:
Update the images -
Committed [1855155] to Plugins SVN:
Revert the version change -
Committed [1855152] to Plugins SVN:
Updated the version -
Committed [1855148] to Plugins SVN:
Change the log -
Committed [1855118] to Plugins SVN:
Removed the tinymce and made better look and feel of form and list. it ... -
Committed [1703801] to Plugins SVN:
Update the resume list review -
Committed [1703793] to Plugins SVN:
Update the version with resume list review and tinymce editor -
Committed [1471439] to Plugins SVN:
change the tested up version -
Committed [1357849] to Plugins SVN:
version has been changed -
Committed [1357848] to Plugins SVN:
version has been changed -
Committed [1357018] to Plugins SVN:
remove the uncessery files -
Committed [1355491] to Plugins SVN:
change in description -
Committed [1355484] to Plugins SVN:
delete the icon-256x256.png -
Committed [1340349] to Plugins SVN:
Adding icon of my plugin -
Committed [1340346] to Plugins SVN:
Adding icon of my plugin -
Committed [1340345] to Plugins SVN:
Adding banner image of my plugin -
Committed [1340337] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin