Maxime Pertici
@maxpertici on and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
Contributions Sponsored
- Member Since: January 10th, 2019
- Location: Forcalquier, FRANCE
- Website:
- GitHub: maxpertici
- Job Title: Theme dev.
- Employer: Whodunit
Contribution History
Maxime Pertici’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [3223634] to Plugins SVN:
mitypes / trunk / version dump 6.7.1 -
Committed [3223633] to Plugins SVN:
mitypes / tags / 1.6 / version dump 6.7.1 -
Committed [3223618] to Plugins SVN:
mitypes / trunk / 1.6 -
Committed [3223612] to Plugins SVN:
mitypes / tags / 1.6 -
Committed [3116088] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / update read me 1.5 -
Committed [3116085] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / update read me 1.5 -
Committed [3115916] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES Button / tag / 1.3 -
Committed [3115915] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES Button / trunk / 1.3 -
Committed [3115913] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / tag / 1.5 read me -
Committed [3115912] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / trunk / 1.5 read me -
Committed [3115911] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / tag / 1.5 - delete some files -
Committed [3115910] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / trunk / 1.5 - delete some files -
Committed [3115909] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / trunk / 1.5 - delete some files -
Committed [3115907] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / trunk / 1.5 - delete some files -
Committed [3115904] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / tag / 1.5 -
Committed [3115898] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / trunk / 1.5 -
Committed [3096654] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / trunk / 1.4 -
Committed [3096651] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / tags / 1.4 -
Committed [3096622] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / landing page blueprint update -
Translated 8 strings on
Committed [3067699] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / assets / move blueprints -
Committed [3067698] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / assets / add /blueprints -
Committed [3067693] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / assets / blueprint -
Committed [3067687] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / trunk / 19.2 - blueprint -
Committed [3067686] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / trunk / 19.2 -
Committed [3067684] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / tag / 19.2 -
Committed [3067678] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / trunk / 1.9.1 — delete -
Committed [3067676] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / trunk / 1.9.1 -
Committed [3067674] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / tag / 1.9.1 -
Committed [3067599] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / tag 1.9 / readme short description -
Committed [3067598] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / trunk / readme short description -
Suggested 10 strings on
Committed [3065258] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / Trunk / 1.9 -
Committed [3065257] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / Trunk / 1.9 -
Committed [3065254] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / Trunk / 1.9 -
Committed [3065249] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / Tag / 1.9 —— re-add -
Committed [3065050] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / Tag / 1.9 —— delete -
Committed [3065047] to Plugins SVN:
Block Revealer / Tag / 1.9 -
Translated 1 string on
Mentioned in [57675] on Core SVN:
Editor: Allow symlinks in directories provided to `get_block_asset_url()`. -
Committed [2983247] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / 1.3 in redme... -
Committed [2983245] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / tags / 1.3 -
Committed [2983244] to Plugins SVN:
MITYPES / trunk / 1.3 -
Translated 4 strings on
Suggested 20 strings on
Translated 7 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 6 strings on
Suggested 18 strings on
Translated 4 strings on
Block Revealer
Active Installs: 200+
Menu Item Types
Active Installs: 20+
Menu Item Types — Action
Active Installs: Less than 10
Menu Item Types — Button
Active Installs: Less than 10
Insert Blocks Before or After Posts Content
Active Installs: 1,000+
MyWP Block Pattern - Block Pattern Builder for WordPress
Active Installs: 300+
MyWP Login Form
Active Installs: 40+
Reading progressbar
Active Installs: 8,000+
Advanced Query Loop
Block Revealer
Disable Comments - Remove Comments & Stop Spam [Multi-Site Support]
Flexible Table Block
GDPR Data Request Form
Healthy filename
Intuitive Custom Post Order
LazyLoad Plugin – Lazy Load Images, Videos, and Iframes
Menu Icons by ThemeIsle
Menu Item Types
Menu Item Types — Button
PDF Viewer Block for Gutenberg
Post Type Archive Link
PrettyCode • Code syntax highlighting with CodeMirror
Query Monitor - The developer tools panel for WordPress
reGenerate Thumbnails Advanced
Restricted Site Access
Reusable Blocks Extended
SecuPress Free — WordPress Security
Sticky CPT
What The File
WordPress Beta Tester
Yoast SEO