Matt Shaw
@mattshaw on, @mattgrshaw on Slack
- Member Since: November 9th, 2014
- GitHub: mattgrshaw
- Job Title: Sr. Staff Software Engineer
- Employer: WP Engine
Contribution History
Matt Shaw’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Posted a reply to NEW ACF UPDATE CRASHING MY WEBSITE, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Sorry to hear you ran into this. Could you please check if there… -
Pull request #59105 merged into WordPress/gutenberg:
Editor: Fix post type check in isEditingTemplate selector -
Submitted pull request #59105 to WordPress/gutenberg:
Editor: Fix post type check in isEditingTemplate selector -
Posted a reply to Bug datepicker since 6.2.6, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Thanks for the report. Unfortunately we haven't seen that in our testing. Could… -
Posted a reply to Bugs in latest update 6.2.6, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Sorry to hear you ran into issues with the update. Could you please… -
Posted a reply to Latest Version Not Updating, on the site Forums:
Great, glad to hear you got the latest update working. We did temporarily prevent updates… -
Posted a reply to Version 6.2.6, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Sorry to hear you ran into this. We've since released ACF which… -
Posted a reply to WP Engine Advertisement, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Sorry to hear you ran into this. We've received a similar report which… -
Posted a reply to Select2 issue after recent update, on the site Forums:
Hey folks, thanks for the reports on this one. We've just released ACF 6.1.4 which… -
Posted a reply to Don’t Use. Buyer Beware., on the site Forums:
Hi there, Sorry to hear you haven't had a good experience with our support. Could… -
Posted a reply to Select2 issue after recent update, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Thanks for the report. We are aware of this issue and believe that… -
Posted a reply to [Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)] Object vulnerability question, on the site Forums:
Hi there, This vulnerability would require your site (i.e. in another theme or plugin) to… -
Posted a reply to “Create Terms” button not appearing in backend anymore, on the site Forums:
We've released ACF 6.1.3 today which contains a fix for this issue. Thanks again for… -
Posted a reply to “Create Terms” button not appearing in backend anymore, on the site Forums:
HI @shauny, Sorry to hear you ran into this and thanks for the report. We're… -
Posted a reply to Why was my post held for moderation? The new version 6.1.x caused critical error, on the site Forums:
@pao2 Thanks for confirming. Could you please reach out to us directly, either via our… -
Posted a reply to Why was my post held for moderation? The new version 6.1.x caused critical error, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Sorry to hear you ran into issues with the new update. I'm also… -
Posted a reply to CRITICAL ERROR WHEN UPDATING FROM 6.1.1, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Sorry to hear you ran into this. We haven't seen any similar reports… -
Posted a reply to CRITICAL ERROR WHEN UPDATING FROM 6.1.1, on the site Forums:
Also, could you please let me know the WordPress and PHP version that you're seeing… -
Posted a reply to 6.0.3 (Will Pro be having an upgrade too?), on the site Forums:
Hi there, Yes, we did release an update for the pro version as well today… -
Posted a reply to Issue at /includes/emails/class-wc-email.php, on the site Forums:
Hi, I think the source of confusion here is that the "From Name" and "From… -
Posted a reply to Verified Domains Shows Many Domains, on the site Forums:
We don't recommend using the same AWS account for all of your clients, since all… -
Posted a reply to VERIFIED SENDERS ? do we need to fill it when already done on Amazon ?, on the site Forums:
Hi, If you've already set up the verified senders on Amazon you shouldn't need to… -
Posted a reply to All mails is Queued – non error, on the site Forums:
Hi there, Do you have a server-level cron set up to process the emails? We… -
Posted a reply to Delivery failures and I’m baffled., on the site Forums:
Hi @cowbelly, I just wanted to give you a heads up that we've identified the… -
Posted a reply to SES failing sending to subscribers, test email OK, on the site Forums:
Hi, It looks like there's a few issues at play here. First, the Activity tab… -
Posted a reply to Issues with Version 1.1, on the site Forums:
Hi, The notice that emails are being from an unverified email address usually means that… -
Posted a reply to Reply-To Set to Headers but fails, on the site Forums:
@hmonroe, I replied via email but adding this here in case anyone else runs into… -
Posted a reply to Conflict with Rackspace SDK, on the site Forums:
Yep, you can deactivate/remove the Amazon Web Services with this version. -
Posted a reply to Select all or multiple tables not working, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your help tracking this down @svenm73 and @ov3rfly. This should be fixed in… -
Posted a reply to No display of dry run results on PHP 7, on the site Forums:
Hi @gfields108 and @patbell101, I tested this out and wasn't able to replicate this, even… -
Posted a reply to Using Revisr and SourceTree, on the site Forums:
Hi @rjhob9, Yep, this should work. Revisr just uses Git, so commits made outside of… -
Created a topic, An error occurred processing your request, on the site Forums:
If you get the following error: An error occurred pro… -
Posted a reply to A quirk on the search/replace – Site URL, on the site Forums:
Hi, The plugin should be finding the Site URL and the WordPress address without any… -
Posted a reply to move from http to https, on the site Forums:
Yes, replacing "" with "" on all tables should be enough to convert to HTTPS.… -
Wrote a comment on the post Plugin Directory v3 Open Beta, on the site Make
+1 I agree as well. The read more links feel like a step backwards from… -
Committed [1429439] to Plugins SVN:
Update to version 1.2.10 (see readme.txt for further details) -
Committed [1424173] to Plugins SVN:
Remove old pricing from banner -
Wrote a new post, Hi Polyglots I’m the plugin author for Better…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hi Polyglots, I'm the plugin author for Better Search Replace and Revisr: Can… -
Committed [1304472] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to v2.0.2 (see readme.txt for further details) -
Committed [1302763] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to v1.2.9 (see readme.txt for further details) -
Committed [1302731] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to v1.2.9 (see readme.txt for further details) -
Committed [1294419] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 1.2.8 (see readme.txt for further details). -
Committed [1293896] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted dev -
Committed [1293888] to Plugins SVN:
Added dev version -
Committed [1293886] to Plugins SVN:
Removed dev -
Committed [1293872] to Plugins SVN:
Updated to 1.2.7 (see readme.txt for further details) -
Committed [1293868] to Plugins SVN:
Adding 1.2.7 dev -
Committed [1280824] to Plugins SVN:
Removed dev -
Committed [1280820] to Plugins SVN:
Adding dev version -
Committed [1280817] to Plugins SVN:
Removing dev version
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®)
Active Installs: 2+ million
Better Search Replace
Active Installs: 1+ million
WP Offload Media Lite for Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, and Google Cloud Storage
Active Installs: 30,000+
WP Offload SES Lite
Active Installs: 20,000+