Martin Braun
@martinbraun on
- Member Since: January 18th, 2020
- Location: Germany
- Website:
Created a topic, PHP 8 warnings, on the site Forums:
Warning: Private methods cannot be final as they are n… -
Created a topic, Cannot start session when headers already sent, on the site Forums:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ErrorException: session_sta… -
Posted a reply to wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
@cleverreachsupportteam2 do it for us instead or will you gonna pay me to report it… -
Posted a reply to wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
Can confirm this issue. The site cannot be debugged (WP_DEBUG set to true) anymore, because… -
Posted a reply to No longer works in woo comments because the checkbox is invisible, on the site Forums:
@fcojgodoy I sent you a mail with instructions how to test the theme. Thank you… -
Posted a reply to No longer works in woo comments because the checkbox is invisible, on the site Forums:
@fcojgodoy, yes, it's sad indeed. Thank you for your collaboration and work on this. I… -
Posted a reply to Performance problems, on the site Forums:
Hi @patelketan. Just place three sliders on your page from three different categories. I bypassed… -
Created a topic, Performance problems, on the site Forums:
Hi, we have 3 sliders on our homepage and it's excepti… -
Posted a reply to How to disable Google Font’s?, on the site Forums:
Hi @shalomt thank you for your response. My customer has agreed to wait for your… -
Posted a reply to How to disable Google Font’s?, on the site Forums:
Here is how support should look like: Please do the same, thank you. -
Posted a reply to How to disable Google Font’s?, on the site Forums:
Thanks Carlos, worked like charm. :) -
Posted a reply to How to disable Google Font’s?, on the site Forums:
@shalomt Hi. Why is this necessary actually? Would you please give support or add an… -
Created a topic, How to disable Google Font’s?, on the site Forums:
Once activated, this plugin will add this HTML into th… -
Created a topic, How to disable Google Font’s?, on the site Forums:
Once activated, this plugin will add this HTML into th… -
Posted a reply to Allow HTML in options, on the site Forums:
Thank you, here is an use-case: It's German and means "I have read and… -
Posted a reply to Fix PHP Notice, please, on the site Forums:
Awesome, thanks! -
Created a topic, Allow HTML in options, on the site Forums:
Please allow to use HTML in the options of a CheckBox … -
Created a topic, Fix PHP Notice, please, on the site Forums:
It's not big of a deal / no error, but it should be fi… -
Created a topic, Works, kinda., on the site Forums:
It works, but not so good. No Ajax validation and I ca… -
Created a topic, Doesn’t work for Reviews in WooCommerce 5, on the site Forums:
Reviews are just comments for products that are just p… -
Posted a reply to No longer works in woo comments because the checkbox is invisible, on the site Forums:
I wish you were right, because then we could simply show the checkbox using CSS,… -
Posted a reply to Applying Tax Before Discount in WooCommerce (Follow Up), on the site Forums:
@abwaita but it is not due to your "great" support that let me dry out… -
Posted a reply to Applying Tax Before Discount in WooCommerce (Follow Up), on the site Forums:
Could someone please help me out here, I'm still stuck and need help. :( -
Created a topic, Applying Tax Before Discount in WooCommerce (Follow Up), on the site Forums:
2 Years ago someone asked how to apply tax first and t… -
Created a topic, How to map custom fields?, on the site Forums:
The IDP of my implementation sends some additional fie… -
Posted a reply to Find out how the user was registered in PHP?, on the site Forums:
Great support, really appreciate it!!! .... -
Created a topic, Find out how the user was registered in PHP?, on the site Forums:
How can I determine if the user has been registered th… -
Created a topic, Does this plugin support the SP-INIT approach of SSO?, on the site Forums:
I'd like to use this plugin with a custom SAML/SSO IDP… -
Created a topic, Exception on Newspaper theme (by tagDiv), on the site Forums:
Notice: Trying to get property 'subsets' of non-object… -
Posted a reply to Won’t remove the pingback head entry, on the site Forums:
Masterstudy LMS - White-LMS template -
Posted a reply to Compression?, on the site Forums:
I would welcome this feature, too. Minify and gzip the produced CSS files, please. -
Created a topic, Won’t remove the pingback head entry, on the site Forums:
Won't remove <link name="pingback" ... en… -
Created a topic, Almost perfect, on the site Forums:
I love it, but I also love to organize my SCSS, thus I… -
Created a topic, I had higher expectations, on the site Forums:
Loading of files and opening of folders is too slow. U… -
Created a topic, A simple checkbox requires the PRO version, on the site Forums:
I don't care how good the premium version is, charging… -
Created a topic, There is a bug in the current version, on the site Forums:
Hi, there is a bug in the current version. You cannot … -
Created a topic, How to enable this plugin only for logged out users, on the site Forums:
I love this plugin, but I would like to disable it for… -
Created a topic, [PageSpeed Ninja] HTML gzip not working, on the site Forums:
Hi, I enabled gzip compression, however the HTML itsel… -
Created a topic, .htaccess caching, on the site Forums:
I used to use WP Fastest Cache quite often, because it… -
Created a topic, Not combining CSS files, on the site Forums:
Sorry, but it's not combining CSS files on the Avada t… -
Created a topic, Simple and effective, but not perfect, on the site Forums:
I love its simplicity and it really seems to do a good… -
Created a topic, Combing CSS/JS from other plugins and themes?, on the site Forums:
I really try to get my head around regarding the combi… -
Created a topic, No hyperlinks on the images, on the site Forums:
The free version does not allow me to put hyperlinks o… -
Created a topic, The best plugin for custom code, available now, on the site Forums:
Version 2.0 made this plugin worth paying for, but it'… -
Created a topic, Minify the WebFont loader, on the site Forums:
Hi, great plugin, but maybe the scripts should be ser… -
Created a topic, Cache problems after website transfer, on the site Forums:
Hi, first of all, great plugin, I love it so much, be… -
Created a topic, Subscribe-API fails to re-sub, on the site Forums:
Hi @satollo, as you might now, I'm testing the API a … -
Posted a reply to Subscribe-API and localization with Polylang, on the site Forums:
Thank you so much! :) -
Posted a reply to Subscribe-API and localization with Polylang, on the site Forums:
Hi @satollo, thank you for the quick reply. So you are planning to add the… -
Created a topic, Subscribe-API and localization with Polylang, on the site Forums:
Hi, I'm working on a plugin for TNP that brings more …