@mariusromanus on
- Member Since: May 5th, 2017
Contribution History
mariusromanus’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1655871] to Plugins SVN:
banners -
Committed [1655860] to Plugins SVN:
iconos -
Committed [1655793] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655791] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655784] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655780] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655776] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655772] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655768] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655766] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655761] to Plugins SVN:
cambios readme -
Committed [1655756] to Plugins SVN:
cambio tags -
Committed [1655754] to Plugins SVN:
cambio contributors -
Committed [1655551] to Plugins SVN:
problemas con la dirección de donacionproblemas con codificacion readme -
Committed [1655548] to Plugins SVN:
problemas con la dirección de donacionproblemas con codificacion readme -
Committed [1655542] to Plugins SVN:
problemas con la dirección de donacion -
Committed [1655535] to Plugins SVN:
problemas con codificacion readme -
Committed [1655532] to Plugins SVN:
screenshots -
Committed [1655528] to Plugins SVN:
cambio en readme.txt -
Committed [1655494] to Plugins SVN:
Primera subida trunk - todos ls archivos del plugin
MCB - Stats
Active Installs: 10+