

Fullstack web developer, and open source technology enthusiast. I strongly believe that through art, creativity, and intelligence we can expand human capabilities. Planning, strategy, and an open mindset for the purpose of creating a better world. Education skills and responsibilities developed in the journey of 7+ more years in development of web applications and teaching experience. Minor in Assistive Technologies and media resources in Accessibility. Audio, video, photography, and 3D Printing hobbyist.

WordPress Origin Story

Started by lauching simple managed wordpress sites and ecommerces for small business, then moved to wordpress plugins and theme development.

  • Member Since: February 27th, 2020
  • Location: São Paulo, SP - Brazil
  • Website:
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  • Posted a reply to Backchanel logout problem, on the site Forums:
    It seems that the issue itself was that the keycloak service that needs the configuration.…

  • Created a topic, Backchanel logout problem, on the site Forums:
    We currently use the plugin with keycloak and it authe…

  • Posted a reply to Cannot use Login widget in Block template., on the site Forums:
    After some ressearch of the plugin inner workings this code worked by calling the widget…

  • Created a topic, Cannot use Login widget in Block template., on the site Forums:
    I am trying to integrate it with SSO Keycloak, everyth…

  • Created a topic, Bad acessibility, on the site Forums:
    The plugin have great look, but really should work on …

  • Created a topic, Awesome and magically useful!, on the site Forums:
    This plugin solves so much problems!Icredibly well man…

  • Created a topic, Excelente!, on the site Forums:
    Muito obrigado pelo Plugin!

  • Created a topic, Excelent, on the site Forums:
    Having the ability to customize its columns to be show…

  • Created a topic, Detect Authentication using action hook, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I am tring to implement an usermeta that stores th…

  • Created a topic, Support for linkedin social Login, on the site Forums:
    I am looking a way for our mobile app to use wordpress…

  • Created a topic, REST API Support, on the site Forums:
    I am looking for the rest API method of authenticating…

  • Posted a reply to Can’t find the JWT Decryption key in settings, on the site Forums:
    Just noticed that there is a Admin pannel specific for the JWT Login Settings, it…

  • Created a topic, Can’t find the JWT Decryption key in settings, on the site Forums:
    I am following the documentation instructions but I ca…

  • Posted a reply to Pagination is not working, on the site Forums:
    This morning I noticed that the page do a lazy loading Which is fine. I've…

  • Created a topic, Pagination is not working, on the site Forums:
    It just doesn't work. These options: Grid Type > G…

  • Created a topic, Awesome Tool, on the site Forums:
    It saved my site from going over the hosting storage

  • Posted a reply to New user notification email with wrong approval link, on the site Forums:
    Corrected it by editing this file: /wp-content/plugins/new-user-approve/new-user-approve.php Updated the link by editing this function: public…

  • Created a topic, New user notification email with wrong approval link, on the site Forums:
    The email sent to admin uses the url that opens the us…

  • Posted a reply to Confirmation email using user email as sender goes to spam, on the site Forums:
    I've fixed it by editing wp-content/plugins/new-user-approve/new-user-approve.php Changed this function: public function email_message_headers() { $admin_email =…

  • Created a topic, Confirmation email using user email as sender goes to spam, on the site Forums:
    The Confirmation email sends a email for the user usin…

  • Posted a reply to New User Approval – Approval Email Customization, on the site Forums:
    You can edit it on /wp-content/plugins/new-user-approve/includes/messages.php just be careful to not change the code, only…