Committed [1346656] to Plugins SVN:
Corrections to readme -
Committed [1346635] to Plugins SVN:
corrections to readme file -
Committed [1346634] to Plugins SVN:
updated screenshots -
Committed [1345045] to Plugins SVN:
update tag folder with latest version tag -
Committed [1345042] to Plugins SVN:
change index.php to upgrade latest version number -
Committed [1345037] to Plugins SVN:
add 1.3.1 tag -
Committed [1345035] to Plugins SVN:
new screenshot and descripton fixed divi editor -
Committed [1337957] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.3 tag -
Committed [1337950] to Plugins SVN:
update tag to 1.3 -
Committed [1337945] to Plugins SVN:
version 1.2 -
Committed [1124924] to Plugins SVN:
tag 1.0 -
Committed [1124923] to Plugins SVN:
initial release -
Committed [1124922] to Plugins SVN:
assets -
Wrote a comment on the post Theme Directory Stats, on the site Make WordPress.org:
Very nice!
Active Installs: 10+