Mentioned in [59768] on Core SVN:
Build/Test Tools: Configure UglifyJS to preserve previous behavior. -
Mentioned in [58947] on Core SVN:
Media: Implement fallback to full-size thumbnails for PDFs in Media Library. -
Mentioned in [58457] on Core SVN:
Media: Fix implicit conversion from float to int in image cropping. -
Created issue #26 in the WordPress/test-handbook repository:
Test Reports: Update the Bug Reproduction template -
Created ticket #59968 on Core Trac:
Fatal error when access the FE with 2022 theme with WP 6.4.1 -
Mentioned in [56939] on Core SVN:
Posts, Post Types: Don't force trailing slash in `get_pagenum_link()`. -
Mentioned in [56243] on Core SVN:
Help/About: Fix closing contextual help when scrolled. -
Completed the course WordPress Meetup Organizer Training on learn.wordpress.org
Created issue #922 in the WordPress/Documentation-Issue-Tracker repository:
Development Environment Commands troubleshooting section request -
Created ticket #58491 on Core Trac:
UI problem when search for block while adding a post -
Mentioned in [55720] on Core SVN:
Upgrade/Install: Create a temporary backup of plugins and themes before updating. -
Mentioned in [52271] on Core SVN:
Twenty Twenty: Restore Editor post title styles after Gutenberg 11.4.0 updates. -
Mentioned in [52029] on Core SVN:
Comments: Mark comment text field as required. -
Mentioned in [51977] on Core SVN:
Admin/Menu: include `960` exact pixel width in collapse measurements. -
Reopened ticket #54056 on Core Trac:
Twenty Twenty: Editor title alignment broken by Gutenberg plugin ... -
Closed ticket #54056 on Core Trac:
Twenty Twenty: Editor title alignment broken by Gutenberg plugin ... -
Mentioned in [51815] on Core SVN:
Upgrade/Install: Create a temporary backup of plugins and themes before updating. -
Wrote a comment on the post Test Team meetings schedule – poll, on the site Make WordPress Test:
Fine so far although will be better at 13:00 UTC on Friday. Thanks!