Matthias Baier
@ma_wordpressorg on and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: July 24th, 2013
- Location: Hamm, Germany
- Website:
- Job Title: Theme-Developer - CSS-Specialist
- Employer:
Contribution History
Matthias Baier’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Posted a reply to Scheduled Backups stopped working, on the site Forums:
Try deactivating all plugins except crontrol. Run the cronjob manually. If crontrol now shows no… -
Posted a reply to Scheduled Backups stopped working, on the site Forums:
I'was having the same problem. Backups got restarted every time cronjobs got executed because even… -
Posted a reply to Security Vulerability, on the site Forums:
Thank you sooo much! All thumbs up! -
Posted a reply to Backup Directory URL can’t start with a slash, on the site Forums:
My question too. I have configured some backups like this and fear, they will break… -
Created a topic, Order-Confirmation E-Mail – Links are double, on the site Forums:
I'm having a weird issue with confirmation-emails. Aft… -
Created a topic, Security Vulerability, on the site Forums:
I got a warning to this Problem: https://www.wordf… -
Created a topic, wrong reset password url with ithemes hidden backend, on the site Forums:
The password-reset-url is somehow wrong for my install… -
Posted a reply to Lost-Password link wrong inside error message, on the site Forums:
Hm... ok. I'll try that tomorrow. I tested it in a local environment and on… -
Posted a reply to Lost-Password link wrong inside error message, on the site Forums:
Yes, I tried that filter too and it also works. But not if I set… -
Created a topic, Lost-Password link wrong inside error message, on the site Forums:
I'm having trouble with the password-reset function he… -
Suggested 6 strings on
Posted a reply to Setting Required Password Characters, on the site Forums:
I think, it is not possible with this plugin, to setup password requirements. I'm facing… -
Created a topic, Font-Managment broken in 6.3, on the site Forums:
Wordpress 6.3 broke font-managment with twentytwentyth… -
Posted a reply to wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much. :-) I will probably look for a different solution. -
Created a topic, pay for local fonts, on the site Forums:
It says host locally in the description - but you'll h… -
Posted a reply to wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
I'm sorry, I tried this on even more environments - latest version 6.2.2 of wordpress… -
Created a topic, wpdb::prepare was called incorrectly, on the site Forums:
I'm seeing this error warning now. Still on PHP 7.4 … -
Translated 1 string on
Translated 4 strings on
Posted a reply to Version 5.7 : notice thown, on the site Forums:
Yes, same for me... Let's hope we will have an update soon... -
Wrote a comment on the post Testing and Feedback for the Fluid Typography Feature, on the site Make WordPress Themes:
While I was creating my first block-based-theme I was happy to try this out. What… -
Posted a reply to Show template files used in block themes, on the site Forums:
Just a sidenote from me: Watch out, if you added adjustments in the Site-Editor, any… -
Posted a reply to Vimeo – no placeholder, on the site Forums:
Thank your for your quick response. I tried to remove the ?dnt=1 part of vimeos… -
Created a topic, Vimeo – no placeholder, on the site Forums:
I'm having trouble getting vimeo to properly integrate… -
Posted a reply to Disable “Welcome to the block editor”, on the site Forums:
It is still a nice way to show, how to get UX bad and Users… -
Posted a reply to hyperlink the whole slider, on the site Forums:
Unfortunately you will have to do this in Code-Editor view and delete the link manually.… -
Posted a reply to Error, when updating file-change-detection rules, on the site Forums:
Well, I'm still having problems. In the first place, I was just trying to configure… -
Created a topic, Error, when updating file-change-detection rules, on the site Forums:
If I try to update my file-change-detection-rules, ith… -
Posted a reply to Slider not working on second page, on the site Forums:
Yes, I checked that code. However it only loads gutenslider's css-file not the js-file that… -
Created a topic, Slider not working on second page, on the site Forums:
I've used this plugin for quite some time now and it d… -
Created a topic, Typ E_ERROR when editing menus, on the site Forums:
I was updating my menu und ended up with a fatal error… -
Created a topic, video.js to large, on the site Forums:
Is there any need for video.js-file to be loaded? It's… -
Posted a reply to Select multiple Gutenberg blocks broken?, on the site Forums:
Your Recording exactly does, what I would expect it to behave. I just found out… -
Posted a reply to Select multiple Gutenberg blocks broken?, on the site Forums:
Jap, I can confirm, if I deactivate Yoast the functionality comes back. It's like you… -
Created a topic, Select multiple Gutenberg blocks broken?, on the site Forums:
I was just trying to select multiple blocks via click-… -
Created a topic, responsive image sizes via srcset, on the site Forums:
I was wondering, if there is a posibility to let feath… -
Posted a reply to hidden backend breaks password-reset mails, on the site Forums:
Thanks a lot. For now I used the former snippet with network_site_url. It works in… -
Created a topic, hidden backend breaks password-reset mails, on the site Forums:
I hava a hidden backend, with ithemes-security combine… -
Created a topic, hidden backend breaks password-reset mails, on the site Forums:
I hava a hidden backend, with ithemes-security and was… -
Created a topic, Breaks Site, on the site Forums:
fseek failed had to manually remove it via FTP Horrib… -
Created a topic, Gutenberg compatible, on the site Forums:
Is this plugin compatible to Gutenberg? I just tried … -
Created a topic, Categories and Tags are not created, on the site Forums:
I was just wondering, if Polylang can create new tags … -
Posted a reply to Editor Controls disapear, on the site Forums:
I deactivated all other plugins and the problem remained. I then switched the theme to… -
Posted a reply to Editor Controls disapear, on the site Forums:
Wodpress is current Version 5.6.1 Gutenslider Version is 4.5.0 I will now check, if it… -
Created a topic, Editor Controls disapear, on the site Forums:
I'm currently having issues with editing the slider be… -
Posted a reply to Guttenberg Tips Pop-Up, on the site Forums:
There is a plugin-solution to your problem here: As a matter of fact, I… -
Posted a reply to Change default font size and justify all paragraph blocks (or edit multiple), on the site Forums:
@catedsmith the backend-styles are inline-styles, which are hard to overrride. You could use !important, to… -
Posted a reply to WP 5.6.1 font size list not working for paragraph block, on the site Forums:
You can try and install the Gutenberg-Plugin from wordpress-repository. This should remedy your issues for… -
Created a topic, Need it for every site, on the site Forums:
I definately need this for all of my sites. Even, if …