Committed [2249533] to Plugins SVN:
update stable tag -
Committed [2249529] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.5 -
Committed [2249527] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.5 = * Support for wordpress 5.3 and woocommerce 3.8.1 -
Committed [1764929] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.4 -
Committed [1764925] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.4 = * Add campaign's recipients by user's role * Bug admin's display ... -
Committed [1764793] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.3.1 = * Add campaign's recipients by user's role * Bug admin's ... -
Committed [1610133] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.3 -
Committed [1610126] to Plugins SVN:
= 1.3 = * Bug alert on sms amount * Bug duplicate campaign * Buh ... -
Committed [1591948] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.2 -
Committed [1591751] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1 -
Committed [1591747] to Plugins SVN:
Support for wordpress 4.7.2 and woocommerce 2.6.11. -
Committed [1334043] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0 -
Committed [1334042] to Plugins SVN:
First version of octopush-sms