Oleksandr Lysyi
@lysyiweb on WordPress.org, @Oleksandr on Slack
- Member Since: December 15th, 2016
- Location: Ukraine
- GitHub: OleksandrLysyi
- Job Title: Developer (author)
Contribution History
Oleksandr Lysyi’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Translated 48 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 106 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3212836] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.2 -
Committed [3200775] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.16 -
Committed [3197310] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.1.1 -
Committed [3197099] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.1 -
Translated 23 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 46 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 3 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 6 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Translated 35 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Suggested 74 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3180353] to Plugins SVN:
Released 0.4.3 -
Committed [3179652] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.0.2 -
Committed [3159654] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.15 -
Committed [3158206] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.4.2 -
Committed [3152231] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.14 -
Committed [3086018] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.13 -
Committed [3074454] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.12 -
Posted a reply to [Issues Tracker] 404 detector broken, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, thank you for giving us a 5-star rating. We have encountered a similar issue… -
Translated 77 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3034003] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.4.1 -
Committed [3034002] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.4 -
Committed [3033753] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.11 -
Created a topic, I want to buy and support this plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey, all the contacts I found is not actual now, so, d… -
Posted a reply to [404 Notifier] This does not create any logs, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hey, Ankit. Try this plugin, it create logs of 404 with IP, country, hits, etc.https://wordpress.org/plugins/issues-tracker/ -
Committed [3026951] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.10 -
Committed [3018243] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.9.1 -
Posted a reply to [Issues Tracker] Great Plugin, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Nice to hear! Thank you for the feedback -
Suggested 104 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3009229] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.9 -
Committed [3002041] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.8 -
Committed [3002031] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.8 -
Committed [2998227] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.7 -
Committed [2994902] to Plugins SVN:
Changed flag 1.6 -
Committed [2994545] to Plugins SVN:
Relesed 1.6 -
Committed [2984033] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.5.1 -
Committed [2980209] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.4 -
Committed [2975803] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.3 -
Committed [2974375] to Plugins SVN:
Released 1.2.3 -
Committed [2924280] to Plugins SVN:
Released 0.4.2 -
Committed [2924279] to Plugins SVN:
Released 0.4.2 -
Committed [2913430] to Plugins SVN:
Checked with WordPress 6.2.1 -
Committed [2913428] to Plugins SVN:
Released 0.4.1 -
Committed [2913193] to Plugins SVN:
Changed banners -
Committed [2913192] to Plugins SVN:
Added banners -
Committed [2909538] to Plugins SVN:
Checked compatibility -
Suggested 32 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [2819258] to Plugins SVN:
Released 0.4 -
Committed [2804066] to Plugins SVN:
Updated screenshot
Accessibility spring
Active Installs: 80+
Debug Log Viewer
Active Installs: 20+
Issues Tracker
Active Installs: 50+
Contact Form, Survey & Form Builder - MightyForms
Active Installs: 300+
Русский (Russian) Plugins Translation Editor - #ru_RU
Issues Tracker
Active Installs: 50+