Sunny Luthra
@luthrasunny on
- Member Since: March 11th, 2008
- Website:
- Employer: mRova Solutions
Contribution History
Sunny Luthra’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [2728327] to Plugins SVN:
Name change -
Committed [2689874] to Plugins SVN:
new banner and description -
Committed [2683559] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0.2 -
Committed [2683558] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed carbonfields issue -
Committed [2678967] to Plugins SVN:
Added invite code on calculator widgets -
Committed [2655027] to Plugins SVN:
Adding WazirX as the author -
Committed [2655011] to Plugins SVN:
Adding Assets -
Committed [2655006] to Plugins SVN:
First Version
WazirX - Free Cryptocurrency Widgets | Price Ticker & Coin List
Active Installs: 20+