Committed [3048669] to Plugins SVN:
fix issue with redirect url - timeout -
Committed [2839811] to Plugins SVN:
change baner issue 772x250 and 1544x500 -
Committed [2839485] to Plugins SVN:
change name of Author -
Committed [2839482] to Plugins SVN:
add screenshot pictures, icon and banner and add desciption for ... -
Committed [2839281] to Plugins SVN:
change readme.txt file heder name for tab podesavanje i konfiguracija ... -
Committed [2839278] to Plugins SVN:
change readme.txt file heder name for tab from Instalacija to Installation -
Committed [2839274] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin
Lova Payment Gateway
Active Installs: Less than 10