@linknacional on and Slack
- Member Since: August 2nd, 2017
- Location: Brasil
- Website:
- Employer: Link Nacional
Contribution History
linknacional’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Committed [3233997] to Plugins SVN:
docs: Update README with new contributor and tested up version -
Committed [3233889] to Plugins SVN:
feat: First version release -
Committed [3232914] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 1.16.0 -
Committed [3232911] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 3.6.1 -
Posted a reply to Error in plugin line 61, on the site Forums:
@misho2007 Hello, this release should resolve the issue related to the WooCommerce Payment Gateway Based… -
Committed [3232837] to Plugins SVN:
fix: Tagging new version 2.2.1 -
Committed [3232733] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Add changelog.txt -
Translated 20 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Committed [3226968] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update readme -
Posted a reply to Error in plugin line 61, on the site Forums:
Hello @misho2007, We’ve released a new update (version 2.2.0) that includes several fixes. Could you please… -
Committed [3208053] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 2.2.0 -
Committed [3208052] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 1.2.0 -
Suggested 16 strings on
Reviewed 22 strings on
Translated 92 strings on
Committed [3203731] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 1.14.1 with fixes -
Committed [3203208] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 1.14.0 -
Posted a reply to Versão 3.4.3 – Erro no Console Chrome, on the site Forums:
Bom dia, atualizamos o SDK da Rede para garantir maior compatibilidade com versões do PHP… -
Posted a reply to pagamento de pedido com 2 cartões, on the site Forums:
Bom dia, agradecemos pela sua sugestão! Informamos que essa funcionalidade já foi adicionada ao nosso… -
Committed [3203084] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 3.5.0 -
Committed [3201205] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 1.13.2 -
Committed [3197708] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 1.2.4 -
Committed [3197369] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Launching version 1.1.1 -
Committed [3195002] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Launching new version 2.0.1 -
Posted a reply to Enhancing Tax Handling, on the site Forums:
Hello @ebrahim1994, Thank you for your suggestion. We’ve added these functionalities to our roadmap and… -
Posted a reply to Error in plugin line 61, on the site Forums:
Hello @misho2007, We’ve released a new update (version 2.0.0) that includes several fixes. Could you… -
Posted a reply to Mensagem : Deprecated: Return type of Rede\\Environment::jsonSerialize(), on the site Forums:
Olá, @delspit! Agradecemos muito por trazer essa questão à nossa atenção. Já estamos monitorando e… -
Posted a reply to Versão 3.4.0 com erro no php, on the site Forums:
Olá @nossileee uma nova atualização (versão 3.4.3) foi liberada e inclui uma solução que acreditamos… -
Posted a reply to woocommerce 9.3.3 gera um log que o woorede não é um plugin conhecido, on the site Forums:
Olá @leandrospluna @nossileee estamos felizes em informar que a nova atualização (versão 3.4.3) foi liberada… -
Committed [3185760] to Plugins SVN:
fix: Fixed issues with undetected plugin warning and logs and tag new ... -
Committed [3184885] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 2.1.0 -
Committed [3184876] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Committed [3184875] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Committed [3184874] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Committed [3184872] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Committed [3184871] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Committed [3184870] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Committed [3184869] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Committed [3184868] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Update Tested up tag to 6.7 -
Posted a reply to Erro no plugin afetando todo o site, on the site Forums:
Olá @araujodev o problema ainda persiste depois da atualização? -
Posted a reply to Pedido no status “Pagamento Pendente” há 12 horas, on the site Forums:
@an0nbr Caso o pagamento não seja identificado como sucesso no momento que ele for realizado… -
Posted a reply to Status do pedido não muda, on the site Forums:
Olá @gabrielfavaaro possívelmente está relacionado a url de notificações não configurada no sistema da REDE.… -
Posted a reply to Incompatibilidade CheckoutWC e Correios Claudio Sanches, on the site Forums:
Olá @gustavogcruz lançamos uma atualização contendo correções, poderia confirmar se foi solucionado? -
Posted a reply to Estorno, on the site Forums:
Olá @caesalomao o plugin é compatível com estorno diretamente pelo plugin do WooCommerce através da… -
Committed [3184581] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Tagging new version 2.0.0 -
Committed [3184580] to Plugins SVN:
fix: Fixed vulnerabilities -
Committed [3183889] to Plugins SVN:
feat: Add compatibility with new functions and fixes for 3DS 2.2 -
Committed [3178856] to Plugins SVN:
ci: Taggin and launching new version 1.7.2 -
Committed [3177406] to Plugins SVN:
chore: Tagging new version 3.4.1
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Português do Brasil (Portuguese (Brazil)) Plugins Translation Editor - #pt_BR
Form Multilingual for GiveWP
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Invoice Payment for WooCommerce
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Payment Gateway for Cielo API on WooCommerce
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Post Updated Date for Divi
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Integration Rede for WooCommerce
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