Lenon Leite
@lenon on WordPress.org, @lenonleite on Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: June 17th, 2010
- Location: Lisbon
- Website: lenonleite.com.br
- Job Title: Software Engineer / Research Security in WordPress
Contribution History
Lenon Leite’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Speaker
Committed [2436097] to Plugins SVN:
create a new version -
Committed [2436090] to Plugins SVN:
1.0 version -
Committed [2436025] to Plugins SVN:
add files -
Committed [2430350] to Plugins SVN:
remove idea folder -
Committed [2430346] to Plugins SVN:
Initial project -
Committed [2430344] to Plugins SVN:
remove all -
Committed [2430331] to Plugins SVN:
remove idea folder -
Committed [2430312] to Plugins SVN:
Initial project -
Created a topic, Awesome, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Awesome, I ever had problem with span, for now the plu… -
Reopened ticket #42986 on Core Trac:
Insert default filters to wp_delete_file to don't delete core files. -
Posted a reply to Filter to protect core files., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
David, Yeah, You're right, it was pretty fast. Congratulations. I just commented because this point… -
Created a topic, Nice attetion to attendance, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
the team backitup is fast and have many attention to c… -
Created a topic, Filter to protect core files., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
File: media-library-assistant/includes/class-mla-main.… -
Created ticket #42986 on Core Trac:
Insert default filters to wp_delete_file to don't delete core files. -
Created a topic, Filter integer on $_GET, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
You need insert security filters to inputs. For exampl… -
Posted a reply to Insert filter security in parameters $_GET[‘linkid’] ( security / sqli ), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Thanks e congrats to speed to adjust. -
Created a topic, Insert filter security in parameters $_GET[‘linkid’] ( security / sqli ), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
File : link-library/link-library-admin.php LINE 686 :… -
Posted a reply to Adjust filter in code ( problem hight security ), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I sent you an e-mail =) -
Posted a reply to Adjust filter in code ( problem hight security ), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Sorry by not especify details , but i will try. Responsed your question, yes you… -
Created a topic, Adjust filter in code ( problem hight security ), on the site WordPress.org Forums:
ultimate-product-catalogue/Functions/Process_Ajax.php … -
Created a topic, Problem security SQLi, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
in line 24 of file simple-personal-message/admin/parti… -
Confirmed as a speaker for WordCamp Belo Horizonte 2014
Integer Wp Security
Active Installs: Less than 10