@latz on and Slack
- Member Since: February 18th, 2005
- Location: Kassel, Germany
- Website:
- Employer:
Contribution History
latz’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Created a topic, Works like expected, on the site Forums:
The installation was easy. No problems so far. -
Translated 1 string on
Committed [2764090] to Plugins SVN:
Another attempt at addressing all security problems. -
Committed [2757940] to Plugins SVN:
Added loads of security stuff. -
Committed [2752056] to Plugins SVN:
Updated "Tested up to" to 6.0 -
Committed [2752052] to Plugins SVN:
Added Nonces to prevent CSRF attacks -
Created a topic, Small, simple and effective, on the site Forums:
If you want your dashboard in Dark Mode and nothing el… -
Created a topic, DOes not work with WP5,9 Gutenberg Editor, on the site Forums:
I tried to use this plugin with the Gutenberg-Editor i… -
Committed [2672314] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit. Be gentle. -
Posted a reply to Ist still workin, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your support. Checked it on a friend's multisite and it worked. Disabling all… -
Posted a reply to Ist still workin, on the site Forums:
The problem seems to occur on Multisite installations only. The plugin works on a freshly… -
Posted a reply to Ist still workin, on the site Forums:
It doesn't show anything. If you say that it is working for you I'm gonna… -
Created a topic, Ist still workin, on the site Forums:
Hello, the plugin seemed to have stopped working rece… -
Committed [1771247] to Plugins SVN:
Reformatted plugin description in readme.txt -
Committed [1771221] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin works again after table's new layout -
Posted a reply to No More #update id, on the site Forums:
Thank you for you answer, seems to work. Nevertheless, Dear Developers, would be nice if… -
Committed [1658349] to Plugins SVN:
Removed CRs from readme.txt -
Committed [1658348] to Plugins SVN:
Added notice that the development is discontinued. -
Created a topic, No More #update id, on the site Forums:
Hello, with the new Plugin directory there's no more … -
Committed [1642421] to Plugins SVN:
Updated compatibility notice to v4.7.4. -
Committed [1642409] to Plugins SVN:
Updated compatibility notice to v4.7.4. -
Committed [1642278] to Plugins SVN:
Added compatibility note for v4.7.4 -
Posted a reply to A to Z for website, on the site Forums:
I thought about this a bit and came to the solutions that this is not… -
Closed ticket #16379 on Core Trac:
Better UI for doing "Page on Front" -
Committed [1537330] to Plugins SVN:
Updated compatibility to 4.7 -
Posted a reply to A to Z for website, on the site Forums:
Haven't thought about this. Can you describe your idea more precisely? Do you think of… -
Posted a reply to Rollenbezeichnungen, on the site Forums:
Um es auch hier noch einmal zu sagen: Die Tabelle wurde mit einem wirklich, wirklich… -
Posted a reply to Änderungen hervorheben, on the site Forums:
Ich habe mal ein wenig rumprobiert, aber keine Lösung gefunden. -
Created a topic, Änderungen hervorheben, on the site Forums:
Vielleicht könnte man die geänderten Strings farblic… -
Wrote a comment on the post Stringintelligenz – Vorschlag zur Verbesserung der deutschen Lokalisierung für WordPress 4.7, on the site Team DE:
Das Ergebnis dieser Diskussion ist meiner Meinung nach absehbar. Die Initiatoren des Vorschlag werden von… -
Posted a reply to Extremst unnötig., on the site Forums:
Ich kann nicht erkennen, wie mir das Plugin durch die Änderung der Zeichenketten die Bearbeitung… -
Created a topic, Extremst unnötig., on the site Forums:
Dieses Plugin bringt keinen Nutzen für mein Blog, son… -
Committed [1418786] to Plugins SVN:
Removed debug code. -
Committed [1418785] to Plugins SVN:
Updated i18n code. -
Committed [1418565] to Plugins SVN:
problems with compatibility tag -
Committed [1418510] to Plugins SVN:
* Updated some i18n stuff. * Checked for compatibility with WP 4.5.2 -
Created ticket #36738 on Core Trac:
No validation for $post_date_gmt parameter -
Mentioned in [37255] on Core SVN:
Add parameter documentation for 'post_category' to `wp_insert_post()`. -
Created ticket #36601 on Core Trac:
Missing parameter in DocBlock in wp_insert_post -
Mentioned in [36343] on Core SVN:
Comments: Remove unused `$default_comments_page` variable in `get_comment_link()`. -
Created ticket #35511 on Core Trac:
Remove even more unused local variables -
Mentioned in [36322] on Core SVN:
Comments: Remove unneeded `$req` variable in `comments_template()`. -
Created ticket #35473 on Core Trac:
Remove unused local variable in function comments_template() -
Mentioned in [35822] on Core SVN:
REST API: Make strings translatable in `register_rest_route`. -
Created ticket #34902 on Core Trac:
Add missing i18n -
Committed [1255056] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v1.01 -
Committed [1255051] to Plugins SVN:
Added uninstall routine. -
Committed [1255043] to Plugins SVN:
Tagged v1.0 -
Committed [1253297] to Plugins SVN:
Added assets -
Committed [1253208] to Plugins SVN:
Initial release.
Easy Thumbnail Sizes
Active Installs: 100+
Plugins A to Z
Active Installs: Less than 10
RSS only posts
Active Installs: Less than 10