
  • Member Since: March 12th, 2014
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  • Posted a reply to Product categories selection broken, on the site Forums:
    Here I have a few screenshots. Category 10558 that is initially unselected: Then I…

  • Posted a reply to Product categories selection broken, on the site Forums:
    Here is the Status report. I will look into sending screenshots or screen recording. Basically…

  • Created a topic, Product categories selection broken, on the site Forums:
    I have disabled all plugins and reverted to twenty twe…

  • Created a topic, API error: items[0]: For destination country GB the HS code is mandatory., on the site Forums:
    I'm getting this API related error, when I try to prin…

  • Created a topic, CSV export does not have all pages, on the site Forums:
    When I export to CSV file only first page of submissio…

  • Posted a reply to PHP Fatal error, when exporting to excel sheet, on the site Forums:
    I have this problem too. Solution would be nice!

  • Created a topic, Do I need multisite license?, on the site Forums:
    We have a site that has been done with WP's multisite …

  • Created a topic, Error when testing S3 upload, on the site Forums:
    This is the error I get when testing Amazon S3 onnecti…

  • Created a topic, Get most sold products with minimum price, on the site Forums:
    I have used this code to get the most sold products: …

  • Posted a reply to Change “Woocommerce Products”, on the site Forums:
    Thanks. It was the root page for product post type. However as we have WPML…

  • Created a topic, Change “Woocommerce Products”, on the site Forums:
    Hi, We have this in our breadcrumbs: Home > Woocom…

  • Posted a reply to Customer language, on the site Forums:
    Hi, What are Automation and Tracker? Those are not familiar to me.

  • Created a topic, Customer language, on the site Forums:
    Hi, We have WPML installed and couple of languages in…

  • Created a topic, API error when printing label, on the site Forums:
    I have sandbox mode enabled and connection test is suc…

  • Created a topic, Get store name along with other sales data via API, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to get the POS store name along with ot…

  • Created a topic, JS error in admin, on the site Forums:
    For some reason the admin is throwing 404 error on thi…

  • Created a topic, Form plugin that does everything, on the site Forums:
    This form plugin does it all. I can create multi step …

  • Created a topic, GDPR opt-in not transferring to mailchimp, on the site Forums:
    Hi, Do you have some guidance how to transfer also th…

  • Created a topic, List only subcategories of current category in Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to list only the subcategories of curre…

  • Created a topic, Not working, on the site Forums:
    Could not get this to work.

  • Created a topic, Set expiration date mandatory, on the site Forums:
    Would it be possible somehow to set the post expiratio…

  • Created a topic, Ok, but missing important functionality, on the site Forums:
    With a quick test the plugin seems to work ok, but it …

  • Created a topic, Why no separate domains?, on the site Forums:
    Hi, I would like to know why you do not plan to add a…

  • Created a topic, Individual shop location, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to pinpoint the location of individual …

  • Posted a reply to 1.2.6 versio aiheutti wc-ajax=checkout 500 -virheen, on the site Forums:
    Tuntuu toimivan nopealla testillä.

  • Posted a reply to 1.2.6 versio aiheutti wc-ajax=checkout 500 -virheen, on the site Forums:
    Ei mene vieläkään tilaus läpi. Tällaista kassalla: UnitPrice is not an integer Ja tällaista lokiin:…

  • Posted a reply to 1.2.6 versio aiheutti wc-ajax=checkout 500 -virheen, on the site Forums:
    2020-01-27T12:05:07+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught TypeError: Return value of OpMerchantServices\SDK\Exception\ValidationException::getMessages() must be of the type array, null…

  • Posted a reply to 1.2.6 versio aiheutti wc-ajax=checkout 500 -virheen, on the site Forums:
    Meillä samantyyppistä ongelmaa (tuotteet palvelutuotteita) eli tyhjä error-laatikko.

  • Posted a reply to Filter by Formula, on the site Forums:
    And the answer is something like: {Fieldname} = 'Value' Next question is: Is this possible…

  • Created a topic, Filter by Formula, on the site Forums:
    Hi, What should I put into Filter by Formula field in…

  • Created a topic, If no data then…, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to do this via shortcodes: if field do…

  • Posted a reply to Image with shortcode inside loop, on the site Forums:
    And I found an answer. This works inside loop:

  • Created a topic, Image with shortcode inside loop, on the site Forums:
    I tried to do by this guide:…

  • Created a topic, WPML slug, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to have a different slug for each langu…

  • Posted a reply to Time has to be set in GMT, on the site Forums:
    No. Sorry for my unclear explanation earlier. I'm not actually sure what the server time…

  • Created a topic, Time has to be set in GMT, on the site Forums:
    We have set the time zone in Wordpress as GMT+3. In ex…

  • Posted a reply to Won’t work, on the site Forums:
    I can confirm, it's not working with Avada. Just the widget title and empty ul…

  • Created a topic, Reservation/booking plugin needed, on the site Forums:
    We need a reservation plugin that would make it possib…

  • Posted a reply to Error 500, on the site Forums:
    We are having the same issue.

  • Created a topic, GDPR data storage time, on the site Forums:
    Is there an option to automatically delete stored data…

  • Created a topic, GDPR data storage time, on the site Forums:
    Is there a way to automatically delete stored data aft…

  • Created a topic, Current post list item css, on the site Forums:
    I need to style the current list item in the recent it…