2ConnectMe Ltd
@ksman on WordPress.org
- Member Since: January 10th, 2017
- Job Title: Manager
- Employer: 2ConnectMe Ltd
Committed [3159797] to Plugins SVN:
1.7.0 add more guidelines on setup the plugin -
Committed [3154423] to Plugins SVN:
readme97.txt updated -
Committed [3070462] to Plugins SVN:
revise readme96.txt -
Committed [3070455] to Plugins SVN:
revise readme.txt -
Committed [3070069] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt for screen descriptions -
Committed [3070068] to Plugins SVN:
update readme.txt and screehshots for Agent Video Recording and Remote ... -
Committed [2954269] to Plugins SVN:
updated to readme.txt93 -
Committed [2761587] to Plugins SVN:
readme92.txt updated with wordpress supported 6.0 -
Committed [2719379] to Plugins SVN:
enable full screen video chat v1.6.9 to work with agent ver 1085 -
Committed [2677558] to Plugins SVN:
1.6.8 critical fixes on sending browser history to agent console -
Committed [2673335] to Plugins SVN:
WhiteLabel production 1.6.7 -
Committed [2592636] to Plugins SVN:
Support Arabic language, ver 1.6.6 -
Committed [2527824] to Plugins SVN:
remove WordPressAdminPanel integration to comply WordPress plugin ... -
Committed [2513851] to Plugins SVN:
revised directory path to compile wordpress plugin guidelines -
Committed [2511181] to Plugins SVN:
remove stripe icon from banner img -
Committed [2510564] to Plugins SVN:
revise plugin name to comply guidelines of WordPress -
Committed [2504986] to Plugins SVN:
fixes on unexpected pop up contact form when windows is resized -
Committed [2480627] to Plugins SVN:
add parent url to iframe src to fixes issues of incorrect height of ... -
Committed [2479531] to Plugins SVN:
1.6.2 urgent fixes on wordpress admin page -
Committed [2464654] to Plugins SVN:
tight integraiton WordPress Admin Panel upload missing files -
Committed [2464649] to Plugins SVN:
tight integration WordPress Admin Panel -
Committed [2422250] to Plugins SVN:
revised to readme83.txt -
Committed [2422221] to Plugins SVN:
revised to readme82.txt -
Committed [2417068] to Plugins SVN:
revise to readme81.txt -
Committed [2400932] to Plugins SVN:
revised readme to readme78.txt -
Committed [2307727] to Plugins SVN:
Support Responsive height & width in mobile device and Spanish Language -
Committed [2249657] to Plugins SVN:
revised readme76.txts -
Committed [2249654] to Plugins SVN:
revised readme75.txts -
Committed [2249653] to Plugins SVN:
revised readme74.txt -
Committed [2249651] to Plugins SVN:
revise default small mobile screen = 1 and readme73.txt -
Committed [2198650] to Plugins SVN:
revise readme.txt to readme72.txt -
Committed [2178103] to Plugins SVN:
revise readme.txt to readme70.txt -
Committed [2076414] to Plugins SVN:
test up to WordPress 5.1.x -
Committed [2017257] to Plugins SVN:
update readme68.txt -
Committed [2016168] to Plugins SVN:
update readme67.txt -
Committed [2014042] to Plugins SVN:
integrate html code & fix mis-alignment of right whisper text, add ... -
Committed [1984189] to Plugins SVN:
readme65.txt & update headerChatUrl help img -
Committed [1974555] to Plugins SVN:
revise to readme64.txt with new conference chat functions -
Committed [1942945] to Plugins SVN:
readme63.txt updated -
Committed [1940949] to Plugins SVN:
readme62.txt -
Committed [1938101] to Plugins SVN:
readme61.txt -
Committed [1936634] to Plugins SVN:
readme60.txt revised -
Committed [1936633] to Plugins SVN:
readme59.txt revised -
Committed [1936617] to Plugins SVN:
readme58.txt revised -
Committed [1936609] to Plugins SVN:
readme57.txt revised -
Committed [1923822] to Plugins SVN:
update readme56.txt -
Committed [1921454] to Plugins SVN:
update Info version 1.3.1 -
Committed [1921444] to Plugins SVN:
update documentation for settings -
Committed [1920494] to Plugins SVN:
update banner-small file -
Committed [1920492] to Plugins SVN:
update banner files