

Product designer living in Svoronos, Greece – working remotely.

WordPress Origin Story

It was 2008 and I was designing websites for a couple of years. I discovered WordPress and I thought it was a good idea to start blogging about my life, my work & WordPress! There weren’t many Greek content writers blogging about WordPress back then, so I got some attention from a few major web agencies, seeking a seasoned WordPress developer. That sounded so cool at the time. I enjoyed it for a moment and then I remembered. I am a designer. I know how to structure and style a WordPress theme, but dude, you’re not a developer in any way, just write back and politely deny a couple of great offers. And I did! Being honest and close to my core was always my compass around the dark paths of the interwebs. All I wanted to be is someone who designs digital interfaces that us humans interact with. Websites and later on web apps (and later on mobile apps). But it all started from something that gave me the opportunity to build my first website, write my truth and meet awesome people. WordPress.

  • Member Since: June 14th, 2010
  • Location: Svoronos, Greece
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Product designer
  • Employer: Klou Design
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