Kiran Potphode
@kiranpotphode on and Slack
Contributions Sponsored
- Member Since: May 28th, 2014
- Location: Pune, Maharashtra, India.
- Website:
- GitHub: kiranpotphode
- Job Title: Engineering Manager
- Employer: rtCamp
Contribution History
Kiran Potphode’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Documentation Contributor
- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Reviewed 2 strings on
Translated 1 string on
Submitted pull request #115 to wp-cli/export-command:
Add --skip_authors and --skip_terms as additional flags -
Pull request #191 merged into wp-cli/doctor-command:
Add list of files to report of 'wp doctor check cache-flush' command -
Submitted pull request #191 to wp-cli/doctor-command:
Add list of files to report of 'wp doctor check cache-flush' command -
Reviewed 8 strings on
Reviewed 2 strings on
Committed [3081230] to Plugins SVN:
Version v1.0.2 -
Committed [3081226] to Plugins SVN:
Version v1.0.2 -
Committed [3081219] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.3 -
Committed [3081203] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.2.3 -
Reviewed 8 strings on
Reviewed 12 strings on
Committed [2909043] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.2 -
Committed [2909042] to Plugins SVN:
Version 1.0.2 -
Committed [2908759] to Plugins SVN:
v1.2.2 -
Committed [2908758] to Plugins SVN:
Update v1.2.2 -
Posted a reply to same custpm color for multiple ID charts, on the site Forums:
Hi @pixelcreativeit , Its possible to add the multiple ids in PHP code snippet. if(… -
Posted a reply to Automatic import of xls or csv files, on the site Forums:
Hi @duplessisp , Currently, feature you requested is not available. I Will definitely try to… -
Committed [2106572] to Plugins SVN:
Update tested upto version -
Committed [2106570] to Plugins SVN:
Update tested upto version -
Committed [2106564] to Plugins SVN:
Update tested upto version -
Posted a reply to Not working any more, on the site Forums:
Hi @marcgoudy, I might have found the fix for this. Apparently, the javascript library on… -
Posted a reply to Color error, on the site Forums:
Okay, but I am not able to see any issue on the link you provided.… -
Posted a reply to Pie chart PROBLEM, on the site Forums:
Hi @soydiego, Please try placing your chart data this way Hope this will help… -
Posted a reply to Localized numerical formatting (. for ,), on the site Forums:
Hi @poetaster, This plugin is based on an open source library known as d3js. The… -
Posted a reply to Not working any more, on the site Forums:
Hi @marcgoudy This may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all… -
Posted a reply to Color error, on the site Forums:
Hi @csedu, Please, can you explain your issue a little more? What I understood is… -
Posted a reply to How can I add percentages to pie charts?, on the site Forums:
Hi @bluec1983, You can add % sign using Suffix settings under Label configuration. Let me… -
Committed [1944479] to Plugins SVN:
Update tested version -
Committed [1944254] to Plugins SVN:
Update Tested version -
Committed [1944253] to Plugins SVN:
Add icon -
Committed [1944251] to Plugins SVN:
Add assets -
Committed [1944243] to Plugins SVN:
Version update 1.2.1 -
Mentioned in [43633] on Core SVN:
Media: Improve display and accessibility of meta data in detail view. -
Mentioned in [41285] on Core SVN:
Docs: Clarify that `get_comments_number()` can return either a numeric string (for compatibility reasons) or 0 if the post doesn't exist. -
Committed [1675351] to Plugins SVN:
Version update v1.0.1 -
Committed [1675341] to Plugins SVN:
Version update 1.0.1 -
Committed [1675327] to Plugins SVN:
Version update 1.2 -
Posted a reply to Colours bars, on the site Forums:
Hi, You can achieve this by using following code example. function easy_charts_get_chart_configurations_callback( $ec_chart_option, $chart_id, $meta_key… -
Posted a reply to A copy function would be welcome, on the site Forums:
Hi @gjwmvg, Thanks for the kind words. The feature you requested is really considerable to… -
Posted a reply to Legend overlapping, on the site Forums:
Hi, First of all thanks for being with us. So many users are facing this… -
Posted a reply to Any news about custom colors for every chart?, on the site Forums:
Hi @96320-1, There is no need to choose any options from the dropdown for palette… -
Posted a reply to Legend not showing properly, on the site Forums:
Hi @nestordeveloping, You might achieve this by placing data inversely in the data table. Means… -
Wrote a new post, वर्डप्रेसच्या विश्व अनुवाद दिवसासाठी पुन्हा एकदा एकत्र येऊया., on the site मराठी:
वर्डप्रेस पॉलीग्लॉट टीम १२ नोव्हेंबरला विश्व् अनुवाद दिवसाचे आयोजन करत आहे. जगातल्या कुठल्याही कोपऱ्यातून सर्व… -
Posted a reply to Colours, on the site Forums:
Hi @amkwa, Have a look at this plugin. This might be helpful. Just replace… -
Posted a reply to Colours, on the site Forums:
Hi @amkwa, These are some missing features from the current version of the plugin. I… -
Committed [1489693] to Plugins SVN:
Tested upto 4.6 -
Committed [1489692] to Plugins SVN:
Tested upto 4.6 -
Committed [1489690] to Plugins SVN:
Tested upto 4.6
Easy Charts
Active Installs: 2,000+
Easy Image Filters
Active Installs: 400+
Full Screen Images
Active Installs: 50+
rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress
Active Installs: 10,000+
Search with Google
Active Installs: 80+
Active Installs: 1,000+
WP Menu Custom Fields
Active Installs: 700+