
  • Member Since: December 26th, 2018
  • Employer: Keep Moving
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  • Created a topic, NS Cloner keeps scheduling its cron job, on the site Forums:
    I've noticed that the NS Cloner always reschedules the…

  • Posted a reply to Edge case can lead to blank page being served, on the site Forums:
    Thank you the information about NFS and the suggestion to use something like Batcache. And…

  • Created a topic, Edge case can lead to blank page being served, on the site Forums:
    On our website, we have encountered an edge case where…

  • Posted a reply to Lots of db errors after upgrading to v9.11 – “Specified key was too long”, on the site Forums:
    Thanks! I can confirm that I no longer see the problem after upgrading to the…

  • Posted a reply to Lots of unnecessary db UPDATE statements on every reqeust, on the site Forums:
    Hi Adam Thank you for getting back to me, and for so quickly resolving the…

  • Created a topic, Lots of unnecessary db UPDATE statements on every reqeust, on the site Forums:
    After updating from an older version to v9.11, I now s…

  • Created a topic, Lots of db errors after upgrading to v9.11 – “Specified key was too long”, on the site Forums:
    After upgrading a site to v9.11 I see lots of these er…

  • Posted a reply to __() not returning original string as fallback when using PHP language file, on the site Forums:
    Excellent! Will do so. Thank you for the quick reply.

  • Created a topic, __() not returning original string as fallback when using PHP language file, on the site Forums:
    I think I might have discovered a bug in how the l10n.…

  • Posted a reply to Cron rescheduling error, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your patience. I'm able to reproduce it on two different installations (one…

  • Posted a reply to Cron rescheduling error, on the site Forums:
    The problem is not related to PHP version (I'm on PHP 8.2). The problem happens…

  • Posted a reply to Cron rescheduling error, on the site Forums:
    Sounds great! But according to my testing, this unfortunately doesn't fix the issue. I still…

  • Posted a reply to Cron rescheduling error, on the site Forums:
    I'm also seeing this warning in the debug.log file after upgrading to the most recent…

  • Created a topic, PHP Deprecated warnings in log file, on the site Forums:
    Hi We're using this plugin with PHP 8.2, and a coup…

  • Created a topic, PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings, on the site Forums:
    When using the plugin under PHP 8.2, lots of "PHP Depr…

  • Wrote a comment on the post Agenda, Dev Chat, Wednesday April 10, 2024, on the site Make WordPress Core:
    Hi. The links to the 6.5.1 post (both under "Announcements" and "Highligted posts") don't work.…

  • Posted a reply to Error on Update to PHP 8.1, on the site Forums:
    Any updates on this one? I'm running on PHP 8.2 also seeing these warnings in…

  • Created a topic, PHP 8.2 – warnings about stripslashes in debug.log, on the site Forums:
    I'm running WatuPro v6.7.5.5 on PHP 8.2 with WP_DEBUG_…

  • Created a topic, Warnings in debug.log file, on the site Forums:
    When using the plugin running on PHP 8.2, we see occas…

  • Posted a reply to Litespeed metabox appear on ACF field group edit pages, on the site Forums:
    Fantastic - I'm happy to hear! Thank you for fixing this so quickly.

  • Created a topic, Litespeed metabox appear on ACF field group edit pages, on the site Forums:
    Hi The Litespeed metabox should not appear non post t…

  • Posted a reply to Wordfence takes 30 secs to load on localhost when using custom domain name, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Wordfence takes 30 secs to load on localhost when using custom domain name, on the site Forums:
    I think I've found a bug in the wfUtils::serverIPs() f…

  • Posted a reply to inpsyde_phone-home_checkin, on the site Forums:
    I have also encountered this problem, and I've found a workaround for it. The problem…