@kazooky on WordPress.org
- Member Since: July 26th, 2012
- Location: Vancouver, BC
- Website: kazookyloyalty.com
- Job Title: COO
- Employer: Kazooky Inc.
Contribution History
kazooky’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [829512] to Plugins SVN:
Updated ReadMe File -
Committed [829497] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Read Me File -
Committed [782129] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [781982] to Plugins SVN:
updated screenshots -
Committed [778866] to Plugins SVN:
Update readme.txt with new features -
Committed [752358] to Plugins SVN:
Updated text for new rewards screen -
Committed [752357] to Plugins SVN:
Updated screen shots for new Rewards screen -
Committed [728946] to Plugins SVN:
Content Update -
Committed [723572] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Fixes -
Committed [723566] to Plugins SVN:
Fix readme errors -
Committed [723560] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Update -
Committed [722171] to Plugins SVN:
Added plugin header graphic -
Committed [722163] to Plugins SVN:
Tag Update -
Committed [721393] to Plugins SVN:
Update version testing. -
Committed [721068] to Plugins SVN:
test change -
Committed [699929] to Plugins SVN:
added banner image again -
Committed [699923] to Plugins SVN:
updated description -
Committed [699921] to Plugins SVN:
added banner -
Committed [699919] to Plugins SVN:
updated screenshots and description -
Committed [690156] to Plugins SVN:
updated description -
Committed [687179] to Plugins SVN:
updated description -
Committed [680614] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [668709] to Plugins SVN:
fixed screenshots -
Committed [668701] to Plugins SVN:
updated read me text to reflect free pricing model -
Committed [664942] to Plugins SVN:
fixed read me and updated screenshots -
Committed [664919] to Plugins SVN:
fixed version and committed some missing files -
Committed [664913] to Plugins SVN:
added version 2.0 -
Committed [610081] to Plugins SVN:
updated screenshots -
Committed [609791] to Plugins SVN:
put installation warning back in the installation section -
Committed [609773] to Plugins SVN:
removed previously added text in description -
Committed [609710] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme and fixed screenshot naming -
Committed [600611] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt and moved images to root folder -
Committed [600177] to Plugins SVN:
fixing initial commit... had to extract the files rather than committing ... -
Committed [600172] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of Kazooky-Loyalty plugin
Kazooky Loyalty
Active Installs: 10+