Posted a reply to Nice Chat, but some feature request., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
New version added . 9 – Show Or Hide ChatBox For Not Logged-in Users -
Committed [1786772] to Plugins SVN:
add new ver 1.1.0 -
Posted a reply to Nice Chat, but some feature request., on the site WordPress.org Forums:
hi matthias ability to show the chat on the left or right side is already… -
Committed [1784793] to Plugins SVN:
edit author name -
Committed [1784789] to Plugins SVN:
edit name author -
Committed [1784502] to Plugins SVN:
complete readme -
Committed [1784501] to Plugins SVN:
commit readme -
Committed [1784500] to Plugins SVN:
edit readme -
Committed [1784499] to Plugins SVN:
edit readme -
Committed [1784498] to Plugins SVN:
add icon svg -
Committed [1784490] to Plugins SVN:
edit readme -
Committed [1784489] to Plugins SVN:
chat bee ver 1.0.0