Johan Yourstone
@jyourstone on and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: January 8th, 2017
- Location: Halmstad, Sweden
Contribution History
Johan Yourstone’s badges:- Translation Contributor
- Translation Editor
Created a topic, Works great with Cloudflare free!, on the site Forums:
Works great with a Cloudflare free account! -
Translated 1 string on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 1 string on
Translated 1 string on
Posted a reply to Skapa eget betalsätt ex faktura som kostar 29kr, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Det du kan göra för att skapa ett betalsätt för faktura är att använda… -
Wrote a new post, Meddelande till @busck Hej! Jag…, on the site Swedish Team:
Meddelande till @busck Hej! Jag har noterat att du översatt en del olika tillägg på… -
Posted a reply to Mobilmenyn i TwentyTwelve, on the site Svenska:
Ja precis, rätt uppfattat :) Tack för att du skrev ditt svar så att andra… -
Posted a reply to Mobilmenyn i TwentyTwelve, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Om du ändrar med hjälp av anpassad CSS-kod så kan du lägga till följande… -
Wrote a new post, Meddelande till @qvist Hej! Jag…, on the site Swedish Team:
Meddelande till @qvist Hej! Jag ser att du har översatt en hel del strängar i… -
Posted a reply to Country selected by default is lost, on the site Forums:
Hello Mikkolainen, Me and the other GTE's are going through your suggestions, it should be… -
Posted a reply to Manuell inmatning pris kortbetalning, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Det finns en uppsjö av tillägg för att ta emot kortbetalningar men personligen rekommenderar… -
Posted a reply to Country selected by default is lost, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm one of the Swedish GTE's and if you have translated this plugin to… -
Posted a reply to Nybörjare – Behöver hjälp, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Följande kod för att ändra storleken på rubriken bör fungera om du lägger den… -
Posted a reply to ”gömma” cf7 under länk, on the site Svenska:
Om du skapar en ny "samlingssida" och skriver text där, så kan du markera texten… -
Posted a reply to ”gömma” cf7 under länk, on the site Svenska:
Om jag förstår dig rätt så borde du helt enkelt kunna länka till den externa… -
Posted a reply to ”gömma” cf7 under länk, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Det enklaste sättet att göra detta är nog helt enkelt att skapa olika sidor… -
Posted a reply to Ändra lösenord för Användare, on the site Svenska:
Vill du bara ändra själva strängen så kan du även använda tillägget "Say What?" (… -
Posted a reply to Order status not updating after payment fails, on the site Forums:
Same for me, this seems to happen when the following option is unchecked: "Require 3D… -
Posted a reply to Följesedel, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Funktion för följesedlar finns inte med som standard i WooCommerce utan detta är ett… -
Posted a reply to Payment Processing Splash page “Please Wait”, on the site Forums:
Absolutely, but in my case the other payment gateways are very fast, it's only Stripe… -
Posted a reply to Payment Processing Splash page “Please Wait”, on the site Forums:
According to Stripe support, it's normal that a purchase can take up to 20 seconds… -
Posted a reply to Order status not set to failed, on the site Forums:
Hello @madeincosmos As I said, there's no log to indicate that something went wrong with… -
Posted a reply to Förlorat admin-lösen, on the site Svenska:
Att skapa en helt ny hemsida kräver dock också sannolikt FTP-tillgång. Ni kan alltid kontakta… -
Posted a reply to Förlorat admin-lösen, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Det går att återställa lösenordet till admin på lite olika sätt. Det enklaste är… -
Posted a reply to Payment Processing Splash page “Please Wait”, on the site Forums:
I'd really like this function as well to clarify for the customers that their payment… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello! If you upload the Swedish strings I will take a look so they follow… -
Wrote a comment on the post Hello Polyglots, I am the…, on the site Translate WordPress:
Hello @brainstormforce I would suggest that @danielnordmark get in touch with the Swedish translation team… -
Posted a reply to Hur får jag bort rutan med execution time?, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Prova att inaktivera dina tillägg för att se om något av dessa lägger till… -
Posted a reply to Possible bug with duplicate charge?, on the site Forums:
That was actually the version I tested with (I was running Stripe 4.0 on my… -
Posted a reply to Possible bug with duplicate charge?, on the site Forums:
I'm sorry if I wasn't clear enough in my OP. Hmm well, I guess it's… -
Posted a reply to Possible bug with duplicate charge?, on the site Forums:
I understand what you're saying but I disagree. Even if a plugin can't know if… -
Created a topic, Possible bug with duplicate charge?, on the site Forums:
Hello, I'm using Stripe 3.2.3 and another payment gat… -
Posted a reply to Translation, on the site Forums:
Same issue here, even though my language (Swedish) is 100% translated. -
Posted a reply to Bilderna syns ej, on the site Svenska:
Hej! Vad använder du för tema? Vad är adressen till din hemsida? Har du på… -
Posted a reply to Felkod för login, on the site Svenska:
Hej @gabriellinton Det verkar vara något problem med tillägget W3 Total Cache, eller i alla… -
Posted a reply to Minor bug – Translation string missing, on the site Forums:
I'm now seeing the following strings at the top of the e-mail log page: "Please… -
Posted a reply to Can you please change more referances of Postman to Post please?, on the site Forums:
"Online support" still points to "Guides" points to "Support forum" in the diagnostic… -
Posted a reply to MultiSite Integration, on the site Forums:
I like this idea! But until then, you can always use the import/export function to… -
Posted a reply to Can you please change more referances of Postman to Post please?, on the site Forums:
I would also suggest changing all WordPress links to the new plugin (support forum etc.) -
Posted a reply to Minor bug – Translation string missing, on the site Forums:
The following string is missing as well: "Maximum Log Entries" -
Created a topic, Minor bug – Translation string missing, on the site Forums:
Nothing big but it has always bothered me. The word … -
Posted a reply to Plugin translation, on the site Forums:
Seconding this, would be great to be able to translate it on -
Created a topic, Great for sending mail, on the site Forums:
Great plugin for sending mail reliable. Good that some… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught ReferenceError, on the site Forums:
Well it works, but there are graphical issues since I use some custom CSS as… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught ReferenceError, on the site Forums:
It's almost identical and I tried changing the stuff that wasn't identical, but without any… -
Posted a reply to Uncaught ReferenceError, on the site Forums:
Hello again, I still experience this problem but I did some more testing, and eventually… -
Created a topic, Not compatible with WooCommerce 3.2, on the site Forums:
Hello, I've been using your plugin for a while, but u…
EWWW Image Optimizer
ExactMetrics - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Plugin)
Gwolle Guestbook
Limit Login Attempts Reloaded - Login Security, Brute Force Protection, Firewall
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress
Post SMTP - WordPress SMTP Plugin with Email Logs and Mobile App for Failure Notifications - Gmail SMTP, Office 365, Brevo, Mailgun, Amazon SES and more
Say what?
UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin
WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway
WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping
Yoast SEO