J. Tyler Wiest
@jtwiest on WordPress.org
- Member Since: March 7th, 2012
- Website: jtwventures.com
- Job Title: Owner
- Employer: JTW Ventures LLC,
Contribution History
J. Tyler Wiest’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [932705] to Plugins SVN:
Added functionaltiy to hide quantity message if not rule is being applied. -
Committed [929905] to Plugins SVN:
Readme Update -
Released a new plugin, WooCommerce Product Navigation
Committed [929903] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [920104] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fix -
Committed [915655] to Plugins SVN:
Small upgrade process update. -
Committed [915653] to Plugins SVN:
Small upgrade process update. -
Committed [913322] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme.txt -
Committed [912885] to Plugins SVN:
Updated for WooCoommerce Advanced Product Quantites v. 2.1.3 -
Committed [912882] to Plugins SVN:
Updated for WooCoommerce Advanced Product Quantites v. 2.1.3 -
Committed [912881] to Plugins SVN:
Added out of stock, and message funtionaltiy -
Committed [907086] to Plugins SVN:
Updated version number from 1.0.1 to 1.1.0 -
Committed [907082] to Plugins SVN:
Added file upload button and banner url option -
Committed [902832] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [878261] to Plugins SVN:
Default user role bug fix. -
Committed [878210] to Plugins SVN:
Bug fix and UI Update for role support. -
Committed [877486] to Plugins SVN:
Added role support, improved performance -
Committed [866386] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Readme.txt -
Committed [864876] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Readme.txt -
Committed [863645] to Plugins SVN:
Updated for WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantites version 2.0.0 -
Committed [863644] to Plugins SVN:
minor name update -
Committed [863643] to Plugins SVN:
2.0 release, enjoy all the new features -
Committed [863609] to Plugins SVN:
Added Support for WooCommerce Advanced Product Quantites 2.0 -
Committed [861966] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Readme.txt -
Committed [861964] to Plugins SVN:
Updated Readme.txt -
Committed [861849] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [860490] to Plugins SVN:
Added 1.1.4 tag. -
Committed [860489] to Plugins SVN:
Deleted old Tag -
Committed [860459] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.1.4 -
Committed [860457] to Plugins SVN:
Added back WC 2.0.x validation compatability. -
Committed [859828] to Plugins SVN:
Minor bug fixes, validation and rounding errors. -
Committed [859701] to Plugins SVN:
Undefined variable update. -
Committed [859675] to Plugins SVN:
WC 2.1.2 update. -
Committed [859659] to Plugins SVN:
Quick Edit Bug Fix. -
Committed [859090] to Plugins SVN:
Updated for WooCommerce 2.1.2 -
Committed [859084] to Plugins SVN:
Updated for WooCommerce 2.1.2 *small fix. -
Committed [859080] to Plugins SVN:
Updated for WooCommerce 2.1.2 -
Committed [844786] to Plugins SVN:
Removed the need to put pa_ infront of varaition titles in the url -
Committed [843229] to Plugins SVN:
Added activation hook to create options if they dont exist -
Committed [842759] to Plugins SVN:
Initial commit. -
Committed [838733] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed division by zero error in validation -
Committed [818413] to Plugins SVN:
Contributor Consolidation -
Committed [818412] to Plugins SVN:
Contributor Consolidation -
Committed [818411] to Plugins SVN:
Contributor Consolidation -
Committed [816137] to Plugins SVN:
Initial Commit -
Committed [815027] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed cart bug, added additional validation so users cant enter minimum ... -
Committed [814128] to Plugins SVN:
Js updates to fix missing input values when no rule data is entered. -
Committed [814126] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed additional bug related to missing input values and error messages on ... -
Committed [814125] to Plugins SVN:
Js updates to fix missing input values. -
Committed [811992] to Plugins SVN:
Style sheet and link update. Added potential soluation for niche valdation ...
Jetpack Feedback Exporter
Active Installs: 20+
USGS River Data
Active Installs: 20+
BU Navigation
Active Installs: 200+