@josesan on
- Member Since: May 10th, 2017
- Website:
Contribution History
josesan’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Posted a reply to No calcula el RE con el envío, on the site Forums:
Mmmmm! Creo que, debido a la naturaleza del impuesto, y en general, no es legal… -
Posted a reply to No funciona y he probado de todo. ¿Sigue funcionando?, on the site Forums:
Por favor, consulte los detalles de la implementación del plugin en el enlace: Es… -
Posted a reply to Coger el valor de Recargo de Equivalencia con “meta field”, on the site Forums:
El Recargo de Equivalencia se maneja como un Impuesto, no como un “meta field” del… -
Committed [1684158] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.6.24 -
Posted a reply to El plugin no ha podido activarse porque ha provocado un error fatal., on the site Forums:
Gracias por usar nuestro plugin WooCommerce Recargo de Equivalencia y confiar en nosotros. -
Posted a reply to El plugin no ha podido activarse porque ha provocado un error fatal., on the site Forums:
Es posible que la causa sea el cambio en el algunos filtros en WooCommerce 3.x.… -
Posted a reply to El plugin no ha podido activarse porque ha provocado un error fatal., on the site Forums:
Lamentablemente no hemos podido reproducir el error. Le proponemos que nos envíe los datos de… -
Committed [1679079] to Plugins SVN:
small fixes -
Committed [1674620] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.6.9 -
Committed [1673648] to Plugins SVN:
small fix -
Committed [1673642] to Plugins SVN:
small fix -
Posted a reply to El plugin no ha podido activarse porque ha provocado un error fatal., on the site Forums:
Gracias por usar el plugin WooCommerce Recargo de Equivalencia. Por favor, actualicen a la últina… -
Committed [1673508] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.6.8 -
Committed [1673503] to Plugins SVN:
Help & Tutorial improved -
Committed [1667334] to Plugins SVN:
Help tool-tips not showing fixed -
Committed [1667050] to Plugins SVN:
Small readme.txt fix -
Committed [1667043] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin -
Committed [1663182] to Plugins SVN:
spanish translation -
Committed [1659953] to Plugins SVN:
Added compatibility with FSx-Connector plugin -
Committed [1656484] to Plugins SVN:
readme.txt fix -
Created a topic, Thank you. My two cents here, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this plugin. Useful and easy as pie. My … -
Committed [1656405] to Plugins SVN:
add some assets -
Committed [1655848] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.5.7 -
Committed [1655846] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version -
Committed [1655833] to Plugins SVN:
small fix -
Committed [1655830] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.5.6 -
Committed [1655799] to Plugins SVN:
small fix -
Committed [1655789] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.5.6 -
Committed [1655788] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin
WooCommerce Products to FactuSOL
Active Installs: 30+
WooCommerce Recargo de Equivalencia
Active Installs: 600+