johny willemyns
@johnyw on
- Member Since: July 5th, 2009
- Location: Oostende
- Website:
Posted a reply to Paid access to specific pages (woocommerce?), on the site Forums:
No, this is NOT solved! It is not a question of selling images, but rather… -
Created a topic, Paid access to specific pages (woocommerce?), on the site Forums:
Good afternoon from Belgium, Hi folks, I have a questi… -
Posted a reply to Reactivating GT3 gallery Pro, on the site Forums:
the link you send me (to the Pro version, simply brings me back here ? -
Created a topic, Reactivating GT3 gallery Pro, on the site Forums:
This is the problem: Hello, good morning. I run into… -
Posted a reply to overall site width, on the site Forums:
Yes, that was the solution, thx for that. But there is an issue: I thought,… -
Created a topic, overall site width, on the site Forums:
While I have your attention Oliver, let me ask you ano… -
Posted a reply to menu settings, on the site Forums:
While I have your attention Oliver, let me ask you another question, I posted this… -
Posted a reply to [NSFW] overall site width, on the site Forums:
As far as I can see now, the with of my pages is aroud 1240px.… -
Created a topic, overall site width, on the site Forums:
Hey guys, For a few months by now I want to change the… -
Posted a reply to Image size on homepage, on the site Forums:
Sorry, no, its about an image I place on my homepage. You can see it… -
Created a topic, Image size on homepage, on the site Forums:
Hello, and good morning from Belgium. Hi folks, I have… -
Posted a reply to menu settings, on the site Forums:
I tried that, but now it shows "null" ? -
Created a topic, menu settings, on the site Forums:
Hello, At the bottom of my pages, I see the menu, and … -
Created a topic, image title in tiled gallery’s, on the site Forums:
Dear people, I'm running into a very annoying problem … -
Created a topic, Private pages questions, on the site Forums:
Hello all,. I have a question. On my site I want to ma… -
Posted a reply to [NSFW] Password protected pages/galleries, on the site Forums:
Thanks, I will look into it. -
Posted a reply to Toegang tot private pagia’s, on the site Support forums:
Is dit een onmogelijk te beantwoorden vraag ? -
Created a topic, Password protected pages/galleries, on the site Forums:
Hello all,. I have a question. On my site I want to ma… -
Created a topic, Toegang tot private pagia’s, on the site Support forums:
Goeie morgen. Ik heb een vraag. Op mijn site wil ik ee… -
Created a topic, Statistics ..?, on the site Forums:
Hello, and good morning from Belgium. I have a questio… -
Posted a reply to Sticky menu, on the site Forums:
I own Options for Twenty Twenty-One Premium? -
Created a topic, Sticky menu, on the site Forums:
Hello, Is it possible to make the menu on top of my w… -
Posted a reply to allow comments text on pages, on the site Forums:
Thanks Oliver, that did the trick! And yes , maybe a goor idea to ad… -
Created a topic, allow comments text on pages, on the site Forums:
Good morning, Recently I started working with the Word… -
Posted a reply to [NSFW] password protection, on the site Forums:
can I have the link please -
Posted a reply to [NSFW] password protection, on the site Forums:
Link :? -
Posted a reply to [NSFW] password protection, on the site Forums:
I use the pro version ( -
Created a topic, password protection, on the site Forums:
Hello folks. I'm running into an annoying problem here… -
Created a topic, extra functions : Great, on the site Forums:
Is is the solution I was looking for ! -
Created a topic, Bijna niet zichtbare tekst bij opmaken, on the site Support forums:
Goeie middag, dit is een probleem waar ik nu reeds maa… -
Created a topic, Vervelende sectie onderaan iedere pagina, on the site Support forums:
Goeie morgen, Ik heb gisteren opnieuw Wordpress geïnst… -
Created a topic, I love this plugin,, on the site Forums:
it's useful -
Created a topic, Very helpful, on the site Forums:
I simply love to see where my visitors come from -
Posted a reply to sociaal delen van indiv. lightbox foto’s, on the site Support forums:
Ben ik nu de enige met deze vraag? Ik ben niet de grootste fan van… -
Created a topic, sociaal delen van indiv. lightbox foto’s, on the site Support forums:
Goeie dag, Ik ben reeds lange tijd op zoek naar een ma… -
Posted a reply to problemen met jetpack connectie, on the site Support forums:
Heb ik gedaan, geen oplossing... screenshot jectpack -
Posted a reply to problemen met jetpack connectie, on the site Support forums:
Bedankt voor je reactie, Dat heb ik inderdaad ook geprobeerd, maar het loste niks op… -
Created a topic, problemen met jetpack connectie, on the site Support forums:
Goeie middag, Ik wil voor mijn site de sharing buttons… -
Created a topic, the max, on the site Forums:
simple and effective -
Created a topic, Nederlandse vertaling, on the site Forums:
I love it :)