Joan Junyent Tarrida
@jjunyent on
- Member Since: March 16th, 2007
- Location: Barcelona
- Website:
Contribution History
Joan Junyent Tarrida’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [1317245] to Plugins SVN:
assets folder -
Committed [724132] to Plugins SVN:
clean assets -
Committed [724130] to Plugins SVN:
0.2.1 readme.txt -
Committed [724124] to Plugins SVN:
0.2.1 readme -
Committed [724122] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.2.1 -
Committed [724121] to Plugins SVN:
0.2.1 deployment error -
Committed [724118] to Plugins SVN:
0.2 tag -
Committed [724115] to Plugins SVN:
Assets folder, banners -
Committed [724114] to Plugins SVN:
Assets folder -
Committed [724109] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version -
Committed [724108] to Plugins SVN:
typo fixing -
Committed [724090] to Plugins SVN:
Banner -
Committed [724089] to Plugins SVN:
Banner -
Committed [724084] to Plugins SVN:
Banner -
Committed [724081] to Plugins SVN:
Banner & screenshot -
Committed [724080] to Plugins SVN:
Banner -
Committed [724072] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.2.1 -
Committed [724070] to Plugins SVN:
0.2.1 wp-repo deployment -
Committed [724067] to Plugins SVN:
Tagging version 0.2 -
Committed [364391] to Plugins SVN:
UPDATE: Plugin no longer needed -
Committed [169210] to Plugins SVN:
Typo fixing -
Committed [143803] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143801] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143800] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143799] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143798] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143797] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143796] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143795] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143794] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143793] to Plugins SVN:
reset -
Committed [143789] to Plugins SVN:
0.1 tag -
Committed [143787] to Plugins SVN:
0.7.7 tag -
Committed [143786] to Plugins SVN:
Added changelog -
Committed [143783] to Plugins SVN:
Added changelog -
Committed [143779] to Plugins SVN:
Initial version
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Active Installs: 10+
Around this date in the past...
Active Installs: 10+
Around this date in the past... - Widget Edition
Active Installs: 40+
Custom Tags List
Active Installs: 10+
Wordpress Commentracker
Active Installs: Less than 10
WordPress Publication Repository
Active Installs: 100+
Academic Blogger's Toolkit
Add From Server
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AppPresser - Mobile App Framework
Around this date in the past... - Widget Edition
Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster
bbPress Slack Integration
Beautiful taxonomy filters
Client Invoicing by Sprout Invoices - Easy Estimates and Invoices for WordPress
CloudFlare URL Replacement
Color My Posts
Color Posts
Cookie Notice & Compliance for GDPR / CCPA
Custom Tags List
Dashboard Posts Stats
Device Mockups
DOAJ Export
Eighties bbPress
Enhanced BibliPlug
Front-end Editor for WordPress
Geo Mashup
Getty Images
GiveWP - Donation Plugin and Fundraising Platform
Google Authenticator
IFTTT Bridge for WordPress
Interactive Content – H5P
Kblog Metadata
Lazy Load
Mailman Registration
Material Admin Theme
Media Grid
Media Manager Plus
Menu Icons by ThemeIsle
Multisite Enhancements
Multisite Plugin Manager
My Eyes Are Up Here
My Google Books Library
Oasis Workflow
OSM - OpenStreetMap
P2 By Email
Page Builder by SiteOrigin
Plugin Organizer
Post Forking
Press This
Press This Extended
Quick Page/Post Redirect Plugin
Reactor: Core
Really Simple CSV Importer
Relevanssi - A Better Search
Selection Sharer by Hans van Gent
Shiny Updates
Simple Calendar - Google Calendar Plugin
Slate Admin Theme
SMS Sharing Button for Jetpack
Syntax Highlight
Theme Check
UpdraftPlus: WP Backup & Migration Plugin
User Submitted Posts – Enable Users to Submit Posts from the Front End
Visualizer: Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress
W3 Total Cache
Widgets Area Chooser
WordPress GitHub Sync
Wordpress Commentracker
WordPress MU Domain Mapping
WordPress Publication Repository
WP Academic Publications
WP Document Revisions
WP GitHub Tools
WP Parallax Content Slider
WP Plugin Info Card
WP slabText
wp Time Machine