Committed [2207483] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme -
Committed [2207281] to Plugins SVN:
pushed previous branches and updated 0.5 readme -
Committed [2207279] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme and header comments -
Committed [2206943] to Plugins SVN:
Added error notice if opcache isn't enabled and fixed function error ... -
Committed [2206942] to Plugins SVN:
Added error notice if opcache isn't enabled and fixed function error ... -
Committed [2205471] to Plugins SVN:
added 0.4 tag; notice displays upon plugin activation -
Committed [2196792] to Plugins SVN:
added 0.3 to tags -
Committed [2196791] to Plugins SVN:
added changelog and added opcache page to settings menu -
Committed [2193040] to Plugins SVN:
pushed all code to 0.2 tag -
Committed [2193039] to Plugins SVN:
pushing latest version of clearopcache plugin; implemented notice if ... -
Committed [2192026] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of Clear OPcache plugin