Jeff Cohan
@jdcohan on and Slack
- Member Since: October 4th, 2009
- Location: Alpharetta, Georgia
- Website:
- Job Title: President, Founder, Chief Cook, Bottle Washer
- Employer: nSiteful Web Builders, Inc.
Contribution History
Jeff Cohan’s badges:- WordCamp Speaker
Posted a reply to Compare to Login As User?, on the site Forums:
HehHeh! Well, if you don't know, I don't know who would. Let me try this:… -
Created a topic, Compare to Login As User?, on the site Forums:
In a nutshell, what's the difference between User Swit… -
Created a topic, Custom Redirect URL for logged out users not working, on the site Forums:
WP 6.5.5UM 2.8.6 Content restriction is set to "Sit… -
Created a topic, Very impressed, on the site Forums:
I was looking for a simple and lightweight booking plu… -
Posted a reply to How to include “Notes” field in notifications?, on the site Forums:
Thanks for the prompt response. I did see that (reference to 'MYFIELD'), but I had… -
Created a topic, How to include “Notes” field in notifications?, on the site Forums:
Seems pretty basic, but I can't figure it out. How can… -
Posted a reply to Fatal Error um-profile-tabs, on the site Forums:
A couple things. I did submit a support request yesterday (27 hours ago), and I… -
Created a topic, Fatal Error um-profile-tabs, on the site Forums:
All of a sudden today, I'm getting fatal errors when n… -
Posted a reply to How many domains with free plan?, on the site Forums:
Thank you. Does this mean I can connect multiple domains to the CookieYes app with… -
Posted a reply to Screen locked into 10 Records per page, on the site Forums:
I'm marking this as resolved. -
Posted a reply to Screen locked into 10 Records per page, on the site Forums:
Found the culprit: Fillable PDFs for Gravity Forms. -
Created a topic, Screen locked into 10 Records per page, on the site Forums:
No matter how I change Screen Options, I can only see … -
Created a topic, How many domains with free plan?, on the site Forums:
Subject says it... -
Posted a reply to Sorting won’t save, on the site Forums:
I appear to have solved the problem by going to the settings tab and enabling… -
Created a topic, Sorting won’t save, on the site Forums:
I've just encountered the problem where every attempt … -
Posted a reply to Blackout Time Windows, on the site Forums:
Thanks. To be clear, the Google Calendar Conflict-Checking feature is not available in the free… -
Created a topic, Blackout Time Windows, on the site Forums:
Are there any plans to add blackout windows (i.e., day… -
Posted a reply to Can user enter notes when requesting appointment, on the site Forums:
Thank you for the response. FWIW: Maybe the developers should consider including this feature —… -
Posted a reply to Deleting Appointments?, on the site Forums:
Thank you. I hadn't see the "Appointment Details" link. All good. -
Created a topic, Can user enter notes when requesting appointment, on the site Forums:
I probably missed something. Using the free version of… -
Created a topic, Deleting Appointments?, on the site Forums:
Can I delete appointments? I created a few dummy appoi… -
Posted a reply to Infinite Scroll Mode: What happened to it?, on the site Forums:
Thanks. -
Created a topic, Infinite Scroll Mode: What happened to it?, on the site Forums:
I see that the default viewing mode is pagination now.… -
Created a topic, Wordfence reports this as malicious/unsafe, on the site Forums:
The report begins... This file appears to be instal… -
Created a topic, Fatal Error 18.2.8 with WP 6.2, on the site Forums:
Error message: [21-Aug-2023 23:18:01 UTC] PHP Fatal… -
Posted a reply to IP address being spoofed?, on the site Forums:
Thank you, @sdagency ! That seems to be my problem, as well. I forgot about… -
Created a topic, Advanced Attachment Modal File URL format, on the site Forums:
The Advanced Attachment Modal File URL displays the DO… -
Created a topic, Succeeds where others fail, on the site Forums:
Thank you for this plugin. It is lightweight, intuitiv… -
Posted a reply to Track edits to custom post types, on the site Forums:
I believe I've found the answer: I changed the log level to Geek. -
Created a topic, Track edits to custom post types, on the site Forums:
Is there a way to get WP Activity Log to track edits p… -
Created a topic, Shortcode will not process using do_shortcode, on the site Forums:
I find that the content_block shortcode will not proce… -
Posted a reply to Paragraphs not preserved in accordion, on the site Forums:
Hello, Usman. I believe I've isolated the problem. Paragraphs are not preserved for the content… -
Posted a reply to Paragraphs not preserved in accordion, on the site Forums:
Ok. Another update: This problem affects only the FIRST FAQ on the page, and only… -
Posted a reply to Paragraphs not preserved in accordion, on the site Forums:
Odd. I added 6 faqs, and only 1 of the six manifests this problem. ? -
Created a topic, Paragraphs not preserved in accordion, on the site Forums:
Paragraph breaks are not preserved when I use the shor… -
Posted a reply to Password Reset for User not working with user-requested reset, on the site Forums:
Thank you. I'll give that a try. In the meantime, I disabled the appropriate options… -
Posted a reply to Password Reset for User not working with user-requested reset, on the site Forums:
I'm having the same problem. (Hope it's okay that I'm joining this thread.) I do… -
Created a topic, Sort by menu_order, on the site Forums:
I want to sort FAQs by menu_order. Using a function, I… -
Posted a reply to Wordfence Flagging Plugin As Hacked, on the site Forums:
Can we have a response from the authors, please? I, too, received this critical warning… -
Posted a reply to Move Date before Cats & Tags?, on the site Forums:
Thank you. -
Created a topic, I use this on every site I create/manage, on the site Forums:
Excellent job. Will explore Pro version. -
Created a topic, Move Date before Cats & Tags?, on the site Forums:
EXCELLENT plugin (now that I fixed the typo!)! I'm th… -
Posted a reply to post_tags, post_cats Not showing up, on the site Forums:
OMG. Thanks. Ooops. -
Created a topic, post_tags, post_cats Not showing up, on the site Forums:
Here's my shortcode: [catlist id=1 catlink=yes date=y… -
Created a topic, Just what I needed, on the site Forums:
Simple, straightforward. When used in conjuction with … -
Created a topic, Excellent utility plugin, on the site Forums:
I use this with my more savvy clients. So simple, yet… -
Created a topic, Feature Request: Make shortcode clickable from list view, on the site Forums:
Great utility plugin. I use it with my more savvy clie… -
Posted a reply to Trouble with table size and text wrapping, on the site Forums:
Those inline style rules are definitely the problem. Can you investigate and find out how… -
Posted a reply to highlight rows with current month/day, on the site Forums:
I've come up with an approximate solution that uses the PHP code in table cells… -
Posted a reply to Auto Import Malfunction, on the site Forums:
Hmmm... What is and where can I find auto-import?
AddToAny Share Buttons
Admin Menu Editor
Advanced Custom Fields (ACF®)
Appointment Booking Calendar — Simply Schedule Appointments Booking Plugin
Arconix FAQ
bbPress Genesis Extend
Bulk Page Creator
Classic Editor
CMP - Coming Soon & Maintenance Plugin by NiteoThemes
Content Blocks (Custom Post Widget)
Custom Block Patterns
Display All Image Sizes
Dynamic Widgets
Enable Media Replace
Enhanced Media Library
Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV
Floating Social Bar
FooGallery – Responsive Photo Gallery, Image Viewer, Justified, Masonry & Carousel
Fullwidth Templates for Any Theme & Page Builder
Genesis Connect for WooCommerce
Genesis Dambuster
Genesis eNews Extended
Genesis Featured Page Advanced
Genesis Featured Widget Amplified
Genesis Simple Hooks
Genesis Visual Hook Guide
Gravity Forms Duplicate Prevention
Import any XML, CSV or Excel File to WordPress
Import Products from any XML, CSV or Excel to WooCommerce
Lightbox & Modal Popup WordPress Plugin - FooBox
List Custom Taxonomy Widget
MapPress Maps for WordPress
MonsterInsights - Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Made Easy)
Optimize Database after Deleting Revisions
PHP Code Widget
Pricing Tables WordPress Plugin - Easy Pricing Tables
Regenerate Thumbnails
Resize Image After Upload
Responsive Lightbox & Gallery
Reveal IDs
Shield: Blocks Bots, Protects Users, and Prevents Security Breaches
Simple Page Ordering
Simple Social Icons
Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin - Super Socializer
Social Sharing Plugin - Sassy Social Share
Solid Security – Password, Two Factor Authentication, and Brute Force Protection
Speed Optimizer - The All-In-One Performance-Boosting Plugin
Strong Testimonials
SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy
Tawk.To Live Chat
Term Management Tools
Timely All-in-One Events Calendar
Ultimate Member – User Profile, Registration, Login, Member Directory, Content Restriction & Membership Plugin
Weblizar Pin It Button On Image Hover And Post
Website Builder by SeedProd — Theme Builder, Landing Page Builder, Coming Soon Page, Maintenance Mode
Widget CSS Classes
Widget Options – The #1 WordPress Widget & Block Control Plugin
WooCommerce Products Per Page
Wordfence Security - Firewall, Malware Scan, and Login Security
WP Activity Log
WP Help
WP Popups - WordPress Popup builder
WP Rollback - Rollback Plugins and Themes
WP Show Posts
XML Sitemap Generator for Google
YARPP - Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Yoast SEO