@jcodex on WordPress.org and Slack
- Member Since: November 27th, 2017
- Location: Faisalbad, Pakistan
- Website: jcodex.com
Contribution History
jcodex’s badges:- Plugin Developer
- Translation Contributor
Committed [3239102] to Plugins SVN:
commit readme.txt -
Committed [3239101] to Plugins SVN:
commit this file -
Committed [3236616] to Plugins SVN:
commit read me -
Committed [3236615] to Plugins SVN:
commit readme.txt -
Committed [3236613] to Plugins SVN:
commit read me changes -
Committed [3236612] to Plugins SVN:
commit read -
Committed [3236420] to Plugins SVN:
fix readme.txt -
Committed [3236418] to Plugins SVN:
fixes in readme.txt -
Committed [3236417] to Plugins SVN:
commit this -
Committed [3236411] to Plugins SVN:
commit version update -
Committed [3236409] to Plugins SVN:
release new version -
Committed [3236407] to Plugins SVN:
commi tjhis -
Committed [3236394] to Plugins SVN:
commit version 2.3.7 -
Committed [3236393] to Plugins SVN:
commit this -
Committed [3236387] to Plugins SVN:
update this -
Committed [3236386] to Plugins SVN:
comit readme -
Committed [3236383] to Plugins SVN:
udpate this -
Committed [3236382] to Plugins SVN:
udpate readme -
Committed [3236380] to Plugins SVN:
commit both of them -
Committed [3236377] to Plugins SVN:
commit -
Committed [3236376] to Plugins SVN:
commit -
Committed [3236370] to Plugins SVN:
commit version 2.3.6 -
Committed [3236369] to Plugins SVN:
commit this version 2.3.6 -
Committed [3203035] to Plugins SVN:
commi this -
Committed [3203034] to Plugins SVN:
delete wrong version -
Committed [3203033] to Plugins SVN:
release 2.3.5 -
Committed [3203025] to Plugins SVN:
commit version 2.3.5 -
Committed [3194972] to Plugins SVN:
comi this -
Committed [3194971] to Plugins SVN:
commit this fix -
Committed [3189220] to Plugins SVN:
fix this non ascii characters issue -
Committed [3189219] to Plugins SVN:
fix this non ascii characters issue -
Committed [3189211] to Plugins SVN:
fix non ascii characters issue -
Committed [3189210] to Plugins SVN:
fix non ascii characters issue -
Posted a reply to My Plugin description not displaying on plugin page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I have tried this solution already after fixing these errors nothing happenedproduct description is not… -
Posted a reply to My Plugin description not displaying on plugin page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
No i don't have found the fix description is not showing thats why i ask… -
Created a topic, My Plugin description not displaying on plugin page, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I am developer of https://wordpress.org/plugins/wo… -
Committed [3187062] to Plugins SVN:
readme description fix -
Committed [3187060] to Plugins SVN:
readme description fix -
Committed [3186450] to Plugins SVN:
commit this name changes -
Committed [3186448] to Plugins SVN:
commit this name changes -
Committed [3185754] to Plugins SVN:
make these small changes in read me -
Committed [3185704] to Plugins SVN:
commit version 2.3.4 tag -
Committed [3185701] to Plugins SVN:
update to version 2.3.4 -
Translated 4 strings on translate.wordpress.org.
Committed [3184408] to Plugins SVN:
commit these changes live -
Committed [3183868] to Plugins SVN:
commit version 2.3.3 -
Committed [3183863] to Plugins SVN:
add and commit this -
Committed [3183855] to Plugins SVN:
commit every thing now -
Committed [3183781] to Plugins SVN:
nnew name
Checkout Fields Editor For WooCommerce (My Account)
Active Installs: 2,000+
Import items from csv to Existing Orders for WooCommerce
Active Installs: Less than 10