Jasper de Groot
@jaspermdegroot on WordPress.org and Slack
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: November 27th, 2014
- Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Job Title: Web Developer
- Employer: Freelance
Contribution History
Jasper de Groot’s badges:- Core Contributor
- Documentation Contributor
- Plugin Developer
Mentioned in [37986] on Core SVN:
Media: Don't use 'full' as array key in `wp_calculate_image_srcset()`. -
Closed ticket #36530 on Core Trac:
get_avatar srcset only contains one source -
Created ticket #36530 on Core Trac:
get_avatar srcset only contains one source -
Created ticket #36345 on Core Trac:
We shouldn't use "full" as image size name in wp_calculate_image_srcset() -
Mentioned in [37034] on Core SVN:
Responsive Images: the `src` of the image has to be first in the `srcset`, because of a bug in iOS8. -
Mentioned in [37002] on Core SVN:
Responsive images: do not attempt to create srcset when the image meta is missing or corrupted. -
Wrote a comment on the post Welcome the 4.5 class of committers!, on the site Make WordPress Core:
Congrats! -
Mentioned in [35833] on Core SVN:
About Page: Remove three superfluous parentheses. -
Created ticket #34810 on Core Trac:
wp_calculate_image_srcset(): Reduce accepted aspect ratio difference -
Mentioned in [35715] on Core SVN:
Docs: Add `@see` tags for `wp_get_attachment_image_srcset()` and `wp_get_attachment_image_sizes()`. -
Mentioned in [35678] on Core SVN:
Media: when making images responsive, check if they already have a `sizes` attribute. -
Created ticket #34678 on Core Trac:
Responsive Images: Check if content images already have a sizes attribute -
Mentioned in [35560] on Core SVN:
Responsive images: add test for invalid size name. -
Mentioned in [35491] on Core SVN:
Responsive images: -
Mentioned in [35465] on Core SVN:
Responsive images: few more inline docs fixes. -
Mentioned in [35419] on Core SVN:
Responsive images: -
Mentioned in [35412] on Core SVN:
Responsive images: -
Created ticket #34464 on Core Trac:
Responsive Images: Improve inline docs -
Created ticket #34460 on Core Trac:
wp_img_add_srcset_and_sizes function: Make the fallback set the width ... -
Created ticket #34458 on Core Trac:
wp_get_attachment_image_sizes filter: Make the $width variable always ... -
Mentioned in [35401] on Core SVN:
Docs: After [34453], correct inline comments in `wp_get_attachment_image_sizes()`. -
Created ticket #34453 on Core Trac:
Corrections in wp_get_attachment_image_sizes() inline documentation -
Mentioned in [35054] on Core SVN:
Docs: Adjust the order of 'width' and 'height' (for consistency) for the `$crop` parameter documentation in `image_make_intermediate_size()`. -
Mentioned in [35053] on Core SVN:
Docs: Adjust the order of 'width' and 'height' (for consistency) for the `$crop` parameter documentation in `image_resize_dimensions()`. -
Mentioned in [35052] on Core SVN:
Docs: Adjust the order of 'width' and 'height' (for consistency) for the `$crop` parameter documentation in `set_post_thumbnail_size()`. -
Mentioned in [35051] on Core SVN:
Docs: Adjust the order of 'width' and 'height' (for consistency) for the `$crop` parameter documentation in `add_image_size()`. -
Mentioned in [35050] on Core SVN:
Docs: Adjust documentation for the `$size` parameter in `wp_get_attachment_link()` to clarify the required order of width and height values when passing an array. -
Mentioned in [35045] on Core SVN:
Docs: Adjust documentation for the `$size` argument in `gallery_shortcode` to clarify the required order of width and height values when passing an array. -
Created ticket #34257 on Core Trac:
Wrong order of width and height in image functions $size param ... -
Mentioned in [34855] on Core SVN:
Merge the Responsive Images feature plugin into core, initial commit. -
Created ticket #30529 on Core Trac:
Customizer: Settings with type 'option' not saved before refresh
RICG Responsive Images
Active Installs: 3,000+