Jaspreet Chahal
@jaschahal on WordPress.org
- Member Since: September 25th, 2011
- Location: Melbourne Australia
- Website: jaspreetchahal.org
- Job Title: Senior Web Analyst Programmer/Administrator
Contribution History
Jaspreet Chahal’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1355354] to Plugins SVN:
Checked compatibility with wordpress version 4.4.x -
Committed [1189198] to Plugins SVN:
Text selection by mouse in IE will now be disabled too. -
Committed [1174888] to Plugins SVN:
updated banner image [removed deprecated functionality] -
Committed [1174887] to Plugins SVN:
updated compatibility to wp version 4.2.2 -
Committed [1174885] to Plugins SVN:
updated screenshot for new settings page -
Committed [1174883] to Plugins SVN:
added compatibility with Youtube APIv3 -Before you update- Please arrange ... -
Committed [1135822] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wp 4.1+ -
Committed [1135820] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wp 4.1+ -
Committed [1135818] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wp 4.1+ -
Committed [1135816] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wp 4.1+ -
Committed [1135811] to Plugins SVN:
* Fixed quotes issue in link text -
Committed [1135057] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wordpress 4.0 and removed double / for path to ... -
Committed [1135056] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wordpress 4.0 and removed double / for path to ... -
Committed [1135055] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wp 4.1+ -
Committed [1135052] to Plugins SVN:
= 3.1 = - Fixed clipboard issue - Fixed padding issue with title - ... -
Committed [1080521] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with version 4.1 -
Committed [1023603] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wordpress 4.0 and removed double / for path to ... -
Committed [965054] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [962094] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wordpress version 3.9.x -
Committed [962089] to Plugins SVN:
checked compatibility with wordpress version 3.9.x -
Committed [817237] to Plugins SVN:
udpated Zeroclipboard.swf -
Committed [779024] to Plugins SVN:
quick sync -
Committed [779022] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed data format in coupon list, fixed copy to clipboard functionality ... -
Committed [742956] to Plugins SVN:
Coupon length increased to 14 -
Committed [725150] to Plugins SVN:
updated changelog in readme.txt -
Committed [724325] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed width issue that caused description to cut off and optional link ... -
Committed [724222] to Plugins SVN:
compatible with 3.5.1+ optional linkback text modified -
Committed [724206] to Plugins SVN:
wrong get_option in condition fixed -
Committed [724205] to Plugins SVN:
Tested for Wordpress 3.5.1, optional linkback text updates -
Committed [723962] to Plugins SVN:
updated readme.txt -
Committed [723958] to Plugins SVN:
fixed spell mistake and optinal backlink handler -
Committed [717095] to Plugins SVN:
released version 1.1 -
Committed [693406] to Plugins SVN:
moved optional linkback to footer. -
Committed [675608] to Plugins SVN:
Updated readme to updated compatibility with 3.5.1 -
Committed [675602] to Plugins SVN:
Ability to adjust thumbnail/vid initial frame quality -
Committed [662993] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed an issue where editor link buttons get disabled -
Committed [659873] to Plugins SVN:
compatibility with many commercial themes -
Committed [645740] to Plugins SVN:
fixed a response flaw -
Committed [645734] to Plugins SVN:
readme corrected -
Committed [645733] to Plugins SVN:
corrected markup -
Committed [645730] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit -
Committed [643244] to Plugins SVN:
hook changed for scripts -
Committed [643243] to Plugins SVN:
Wordpress 3.5 compatibility plus centering fix for tablets -
Committed [638159] to Plugins SVN:
compatibility with wordpress 3.5 -
Committed [617867] to Plugins SVN:
updated plugin banner -
Committed [617865] to Plugins SVN:
stable tag updated -
Committed [617862] to Plugins SVN:
Z-index is now a configurable property, Support for mobile and tablet ... -
Committed [614497] to Plugins SVN:
minor issue fixed -
Committed [614493] to Plugins SVN:
Fixed resolution issue and a spelling mistake -
Committed [614217] to Plugins SVN:
small overflow issue fixed
JC Coupon
Active Installs: 40+
jcwp scroll to top
Active Installs: 300+
jcwp youtube channel embed
Active Installs: 100+
Like to Unlock lite
Active Installs: 10+