
  • Member Since: July 18th, 2011
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  • Created a topic, Attention: Big GDPR Issue!, on the site Forums:
    At least in Germany it is not allowed to send the User…

  • Created a topic, Quiz-Answers as Mail to Teacher, on the site Forums:
    Hi, is it in any way possilbe for the teacher to recei…

  • Created a topic, Ticket Quantity 1 per default?, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to change 0 to 1 as the default quantit…

  • Posted a reply to How to register a new cookie?, on the site Forums:
    I have the same question!

  • Created a topic, Payments like SOFORT and Giropay?, on the site Forums:
    How can I integrate payments like giropay and SOFORT? …

  • Created a topic, Do you support Giropay and SOFORT via Stripe?, on the site Forums:
    Do you support Giropay and SOFORT via Stripe or only c…

  • Posted a reply to Anyone have a fix on getting Yoast to not register shortcodes as content?, on the site Forums:
    Same issue here. Using AVADA Theme with their editor which causes shortcodes. Yoast seems to…

  • Created a topic, Not Compatibility with Recurring Payments Addon, on the site Forums:
    It does not work with recurring payments. The first pa…

  • Created a topic, How can I (really) check if it works?, on the site Forums:
    I usually use Ghostery to check if and what kind of co…

  • Created a topic, Display Refuse-Button (only) on the privacy policy page, on the site Forums:
    Is there a shortcode or something I can add somewhere …

  • Posted a reply to Compatibility with Recurring Payments Addon, on the site Forums:
    It does NOT work with recurring payments. The first payment worked - the second didnt.…