@ishko on
- Member Since: March 10th, 2013
- Job Title: Webdesigner
- Employer: Pengpeng
Created a topic, Great job !, on the site Forums:
Works perfectly. ReCaptcha V3 is sometimes not compati… -
Created a topic, Reliable and used for long time, on the site Forums:
This plugin is simple to use. Changing username is som… -
Created a topic, A highly professional tool, on the site Forums:
I've been using the SSO module for 1 month and it's ex… -
Created a topic, 5 stars, very good plugin, on the site Forums:
The plugin and all its variants, including the Core ve… -
Created a topic, Great tool but maybe only one issue, on the site Forums:
The plugin is perfect : sober, no ads, fast and reliab… -
Created a topic, Perfect and efficient, on the site Forums:
Works perfectly, automatic mode is very useful. -
Created a topic, Good out of the box, on the site Forums:
Very nice plugin. Free version does the work and paid … -
Posted a reply to [Contact Form 7] Translation issue on “Please choose an option” is back !, on the site Forums:
Hello Mister Miyoshi !Thanks for your feedback and apologies for my late answer.Here is my… -
Created a topic, Translation issue on “Please choose an option” is back !, on the site Forums:
Hi,The translation for the sentence "-Please choose an… -
Created a topic, well done !, on the site Forums:
This plugin works very well and with the lack of tools… -
Created a topic, Great plugin : yes, on the site Forums:
Efficient. I tried it to display a simple popup search… -
Posted a reply to Use plugin scripts on all pages, on the site Forums:
Hi,Once the plugin was installed, I has the same issue using the plugins native classes… -
Created a topic, Simple and efficient, on the site Forums:
Smart and well working plugin. Thanks ! -
Created a topic, Free version works well, on the site Forums:
Free version is working fine. I can use columns, redir… -
Created a topic, Simple and effective, on the site Forums:
Best choice for free multistep checkout : no bugs, eas… -
Created a topic, Still works on WP 6.2, on the site Forums:
Works perfectly out of the box. Tested on 6.2 : ok. Th… -
Created a topic, Plugin at the top, on the site Forums:
Best free solution I had ever tested, that combines au… -
Created a topic, perfect :), on the site Forums:
Useful, simple, thanks !!! -
Created a topic, Quickly set and ok everywhere, on the site Forums:
Perfect ! Install, activate, choose a few options and … -
Posted a reply to Plugin “Recent Videos” bug on 3.3.4 : HTML code instead of widget, on the site Forums:
Hello @ajtruckle and thanks for the information. Let's hope a feedback... -
Created a topic, Plugin “Recent Videos” bug on 3.3.4 : HTML code instead of widget, on the site Forums:
Hello, Your plugins runs on our site for years without… -
Created a topic, Usable, efficient and full of options, on the site Forums:
Really good plugin with very nice results :-) Cheers t… -
Posted a reply to Display post date in newsletter, on the site Forums:
Forgot to mark this as resolved. Done. -
Posted a reply to Display post date in newsletter, on the site Forums:
Thanks for your feedback. I published a feature request, as advised : Hope this… -
Created a topic, Display post date in newsletter, on the site Forums:
Hello, Mailpoet is a great plugin but I can't find ou… -
Created a topic, Never a problem, on the site Forums:
This plugin is reliable. I never had any problem with … -
Posted a reply to JS error ‘gtm4wp_business_vertical is not defined’, on the site Forums:
Thank you very much for your explanations. Indeed, this site uses WP-ROCKET, which compresses the… -
Posted a reply to Request several tgid on publications main page, on the site Forums:
Hi, everything works perfectly with version 8.1.3., as confirmed also on Github. That's really great,… -
Created a topic, Very well done and free plugin, on the site Forums:
Teachpress plugin is a must-have for BibTex publicatio… -
Posted a reply to Request several tgid on publications main page, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have to remind you about this issue, which is still present and for… -
Created a topic, JS error ‘gtm4wp_business_vertical is not defined’, on the site Forums:
Hello, A JS error is fired in the console about gtm4w… -
Posted a reply to Format the teachpress output, on the site Forums:
Hello, To achieve this, you will have to duplicate the teachpress template folder in your… -
Created a topic, Request several tgid on publications main page, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have to request several TGID at the same tim… -
Created a topic, Well done and useful, on the site Forums:
Many functionnality that could have been integrated in… -
Created a topic, Working !, on the site Forums:
The free version was enough for us, working like a bre… -
Created a topic, Best RGPD friendly stats, on the site Forums:
The best alternative to Google Analytics, in my opinio… -
Created a topic, Efficient and nice customisation options, on the site Forums:
Working very well and lot of options compared with oth… -
Created a topic, Working good and many options, on the site Forums:
The plugin is working good and have a lot of customiza… -
Created a topic, Works very well out of the box, on the site Forums:
Very useful and clean, strips every non standard chara… -
Created a topic, A few feedbacks, on the site Forums:
Hi, I am using your plugin on a website and have some … -
Created a topic, Best available plugin for simple options pages in WP 5.7, on the site Forums:
Great job ! Most of the plugin I have used to create … -
Created a topic, Yes, it works, on the site Forums:
Perfect, activate and forget. Non updated since one ye… -
Created a topic, Working good !, on the site Forums:
Great free plugin, best one I think to edit checkout f… -
Created a topic, No Problem, on the site Forums:
This plugin runs silently and without any problem, fro… -
Created a topic, It saved my brain sanity, on the site Forums:
Complete and wonderful plugin. Saved me with tracing (… -
Created a topic, Tabs block and WPML : no translation for tabs titles, on the site Forums:
Hi, Wonderful plugin. I only have an issue using tabs… -
Created a topic, design and performances, on the site Forums:
The best folder plugin, for me. Really. Reliable, fast… -
Created a topic, Great : great, great !, on the site Forums:
Wonderful plugin. Many accessible settings even in Fre… -
Created a topic, The one and only, on the site Forums:
If you need one tool to manage all : custom post/types… -
Created a topic, Kadence, you really seam to be the best block kit !, on the site Forums:
After testing several block kits plugins, ie. CoBlocks…