
  • Member Since: December 3rd, 2019
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  • Created a topic, shorcode??, on the site Forums:
    Does your plugin work with Brizy? Does your plugin …

  • Created a topic, Does your plugin have a shorcode?, on the site Forums:
    Does your plugin work with Brizy?Does your plugin have…

  • Created a topic, Problems with displaying – no results and search results, on the site Forums:
    How can I make the search results output to the requir…

  • Posted a reply to What happens after 1 year if I stop paying for the licence?, on the site Forums:
    Where do I press?

  • Created a topic, What happens after 1 year if I stop paying for the licence?, on the site Forums:
    I buy a one-year licence. What happens after 1 year if…

  • Created a topic, The problem is in your plugin, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon.The problem with your plugin is that it…

  • Posted a reply to Please tell me why it does not show favorites (wish list), on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon.The wishlist is not displayed on the wishlist page.(Site name dot ru/wishlist/) I click…

  • Created a topic, Please tell me why it doesn’, on the site Forums:
    Please tell me why it doesn't show Favorites (wish lis…

  • Created a topic, Plugin error, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon. The magnifying glass enlarges the phot…

  • Created a topic, Unable to use your plugin due to the following reason, on the site Forums:
    Unable to use your plugin due to the following reason.…

  • Created a topic, Don’t play background video on phones and tablets, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon. How to make the video background play…

  • Created a topic, Плагин фон видео на всех устройставх, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    В каком плагине можно реалезовать чтобы на фоне было в…

  • Created a topic, Меню три полоски на дестопах по шоркоду, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Подскажите плагин раскрывающегося меню на компьютерах …

  • Posted a reply to Plugin mows, on the site Forums:
    There is no Custom CSS in the plugin. There is only: Custom Javascript; Custom Stylesheet

  • Posted a reply to Plugin mows, on the site Forums:
    In which file should this code be entered and in which line?

  • Created a topic, Where to install the code, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon. Where to install the code of the navig…

  • Created a topic, Подскажите лагин ровных квадратов с кар, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Подскажите легкий плагин ровных квадратов с картинками…

  • Created a topic, [Best Image Gallery & Responsive Photo Gallery - FooGallery] Plugin mows, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon. How to make 2 photos in one row on mob…

  • Posted a reply to [Yoast SEO] Problems, on the site Forums:
    No function to “Exclude this image from the sitemap” There is no explicit function to…

  • Created a topic, [Yoast SEO] Problems, on the site Forums:
    Good day. I switched to your plugin, but I was disappo…

  • Created a topic, [Brizy - Page Builder] Why is the menu crooked?, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon. Why is the menu crooked? I need a hori…

  • Created a topic, What a mistake brizy., on the site Forums:
    Good day. Please tell me why the page made in brizy je…

  • Created a topic, [Max Mega Menu] Why is it impossible to shrink (bottom) the menu? Mistake., on the site Forums:
    Good day. How to reduce the height (bottom) of a horiz…

  • Created a topic, [Schema - All In One Schema Rich Snippets] Why doesn’t the plugin display half?, on the site Forums:
    Good day. Why:? Plugin does not display rating Large p…

  • Created a topic, [Page Builder by SiteOrigin] How do I close the button from indexing?, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon. How to bury the button (On my site it …

  • Created a topic, [Rank Math - SEO Plugin for WordPress] Word count in text is consistently incorrect, on the site Forums:
    Word count in text is consistently incorrect

  • Created a topic, [Rank Math - SEO Plugin for WordPress] Plugin doesn’t work, on the site Forums:
    Plugin doesn’t work Computer Preview, Mobile Pre…

  • Created a topic, Why did the plugin stop working?, on the site Forums:
    Good afternoon. Why did the plugin stop working? Since…

  • Posted a reply to плагин для проведения голосований, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Да не советуют об этом ничего. я уже год ищу переодически никак

  • Created a topic, Плагин настраиваемые звезды(рейтиг) в.., on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Подскажите плагин настраиваемые звезды (рейтиг) в любо…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin error, on the site Forums:
    I did everything as you said, here are my step-by-step screenshots here (remove the brackets…

  • Posted a reply to Plugin error, on the site Forums:
    Good day. I did as you said - the problem on terephones was solved. But…

  • Created a topic, Plugin error, on the site Forums:
    Good day Why is there such a large square at the end o…

  • Posted a reply to Подскажите как убрать картинку страницы?, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Ну решение же не нашла и поэтому задаю еще раз вопрос и он сверху и…

  • Created a topic, Подскажите как убрать картинку страницы?, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Добрый день. Подскажите пожалуйста как убрать картинку…

  • Posted a reply to П. пож. плагин скрывающий картинку снипет, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    вот поэтому и плагин хочу, боюсь менять что то в коде.

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is not working properly, on the site Forums:
    Can you tell me in which file to change these code settings? Thank you, best…

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is not working properly, on the site Forums:
    Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't understand the code well. But, you need to solve…

  • Posted a reply to П. пож. плагин скрывающий картинку снипет, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Полностью с вами согласны - знать код, это бесспорно лучше. Да вот как бы еще…

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is not working properly, on the site Forums:
    I did as you said. Thank you, problem solved. :) But how to make small…

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is not working properly, on the site Forums:
    I pasted this at the very bottom in my style.css file: /* fill foogallery maximum…

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is not working properly, on the site Forums:
    Thanks a lot, I'll try. As for the small squares - there is an example…

  • Posted a reply to П. пож. плагин скрывающий картинку снипет, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Извините, я уважаю ваше стремление заставить меня изучить что то, с большим удовольствием, но нет…

  • Created a topic, П. пож. плагин скрывающий картинку снипет, on the site Форумы поддержки:
    Добрый день. Плагин Hide Featured Image - не работает.…

  • Created a topic, Your plugin is not working properly, on the site Forums:
    I have outlined all the problems on the page. Your plu…

  • Created a topic, Why your plugin is not working?, on the site Forums:
    Good day. Please tell me why your plugin is not workin…

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is skewing in all directions., on the site Forums:
    Thank you, I understood. Excuse for troubling.

  • Posted a reply to Your plugin is skewing in all directions., on the site Forums:
    Now I have sent a simple portfolio. But I need Masonra Image Galleries (but, it…

  • Created a topic, Your plugin is skewing in all directions., on the site Forums:
    Good day. How do you prevent your plugin from skewing …

  • Created a topic, Why is your plugin not working after updating WordPress?, on the site Forums:
    Good day. Why is your plugin not working after updatin…