Infolab Software I Serveis
@infolabdevelopment on
- Member Since: February 1st, 2017
- Website:
- Job Title: Developer
- Employer: Infolab Software I Serveis
Contribution History
Infolab Software I Serveis’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [1829228] to Plugins SVN:
Directories structure -
Committed [1829227] to Plugins SVN:
Hot-Fix -
Committed [1829223] to Plugins SVN:
Version info -
Committed [1829220] to Plugins SVN:
Version info -
Committed [1829215] to Plugins SVN:
Hot-Fix -
Committed [1829203] to Plugins SVN:
0.1.4 release -
Committed [1829200] to Plugins SVN:
0.1.4 - 3 levels of categories, bugs fixed. -
Created a topic, We don’t offer support, on the site Forums:
Hello, This is a free plugin with non-commercial purp… -
Posted a reply to Don’t work, on the site Forums:
Dear Ezh, This is a free plugin with non-commercial purposes that we did for our… -
Committed [1606518] to Plugins SVN:
Update Notice -
Committed [1606517] to Plugins SVN:
Update Notice -
Committed [1606514] to Plugins SVN:
Font-awesome included, Current categories bug fixed -
Committed [1606513] to Plugins SVN:
Font-awesome included + Current categories bug fixed -
Committed [1606512] to Plugins SVN:
Font-awesome included, Current categories bug fixed -
Committed [1593126] to Plugins SVN:
Installation text updated -
Committed [1593116] to Plugins SVN:
Changelog updated -
Committed [1593087] to Plugins SVN:
Author page link added -
Committed [1592658] to Plugins SVN:
Author update -
Committed [1592644] to Plugins SVN:
Shorcode Image Added -
Committed [1592639] to Plugins SVN:
Update Descriptions -
Committed [1592628] to Plugins SVN:
Image size corrected -
Committed [1592625] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots description updated -
Committed [1592621] to Plugins SVN:
Screenshots uploaded -
Committed [1592474] to Plugins SVN:
Header Image Changed -
Committed [1592449] to Plugins SVN:
Header changed -
Committed [1592380] to Plugins SVN:
Version update -
Committed [1592376] to Plugins SVN:
Readme modifications -
Committed [1592333] to Plugins SVN:
Plugin Header Added -
Committed [1592328] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 0.1.2 -
Committed [1592323] to Plugins SVN:
Creating tag 0.1.2 folder -
Committed [1592314] to Plugins SVN:
Trunk - First Upload
Page Listing Categories
Active Installs: 10+