

The most advanced 3D printing service in Portugal.
The best price in Europe.


3d printing, impressao 3d, filamentos, PLA, ABS, PETG, impressoras 3D

  • Member Since: March 14th, 2017
  • Location: Portugal
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  • Employer: Impressao 3D portugal
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  • Created a topic, Turnstile ONLY on X login attempt?, on the site Forums:
    It would make sense for improving user experience if t…

  • Created a topic, Enable captcha for registration?, on the site Forums:
    Hey there guys, I've had the issue that a lot of bots …

  • Created a topic, Alterar posição do campo NIF, on the site Forums:
    Boas, reparei no update dos blocks, já existe alguma f…

  • Created a topic, Nova versão – novo comportamento “moloni_after_insert_document”, on the site Forums:
    Boas, na nova versão 4.7.1, em comparação à 4.6existe …

  • Created a topic, How to REVERSE the translation?, on the site Forums:
    I have a site that is build in Portuguese, where Portu…

  • Posted a reply to Error: “Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.”, on the site Forums:
    After trying multiple troubleshootings (from disabling all plugins) plus suggestions available online such as updating…

  • Created a topic, Error: “Publishing failed. The response is not a valid JSON response.”, on the site Forums:
    When Gutenberg is active while trying to save a new Ev…

  • Created a topic, Unblock voting for guest users, on the site Forums:
    Hey, is there some way to allow guest / not logged in …

  • Posted a reply to A hook moloni_after_insert_document corre após trigger por REST API?, on the site Forums:
    Olá Marco, entretanto já conseguimos resolver o problema.Eu inicialmente no código estava a usar o…

  • Created a topic, Is bloated, Installs other crap in your wordpress, on the site Forums:
    This plugin has installed another plugins on my wordpr…

  • Created a topic, O melhor plugin de Invoicing automático para Woocommerce, on the site Forums:
    O plugin mais completo para automatização do invoicing…

  • Created a topic, A hook moloni_after_insert_document corre após trigger por REST API?, on the site Forums:
    Bom dia equipa Moloni, precisamos de uma ajuda a tenta…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicated Images in v6.2, on the site Forums:
    I really appreciate the update @cptjump I have sent this info over to Runcloud support…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicated Images in v6.2, on the site Forums:
    I am still going through it with the Runcloud team.I have made some several videos…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicated Images in v6.2, on the site Forums:
    Awesome to know that we are narrowing this down. Indeed Runcloud and the Litespeed technology…

  • Posted a reply to Duplicated Images in v6.2, on the site Forums:
    Thank you for your input @threadi I actually just made a whole new video where…

  • Created a topic, Duplicated Images in v6.2, on the site Forums:
    I started to notice that some of the images I would up…

  • Created a topic, There is no better Discounts plugin than this one., on the site Forums:
    I use the PRO version of this plugin. I have searched …

  • Created a topic, Does WooCommerce charge a Fee to the payment providers?, on the site Forums:
    Hello, I am in the process of adding a new local payme…

  • Created a topic, The best Cookie Solution., on the site Forums:
    I have used similar professional cookie solutions like…

  • Created a topic, Best Estimation Plugin and Support is Amazing, on the site Forums:
    This is the best Time Estimation Plugin I have found f…

  • Posted a reply to Pickup points are unavailable (on holiday) but still show up in the search, on the site Forums:
    Muito obrigado Marco por teres guiado com a luz 🙏</img>já percebi que estava a haver…

  • Posted a reply to Pickup points are unavailable (on holiday) but still show up in the search, on the site Forums:
    We came across a new problem that is exactly the inverse of the situation reported…

  • Posted a reply to Pickup points are unavailable (on holiday) but still show up in the search, on the site Forums:
    We recently got an answer from VASP regarding this issue and the previous mentioned point:"O…

  • Posted a reply to Pickup points are unavailable (on holiday) but still show up in the search, on the site Forums:
    VASP mentioned this problem is solved by restarting the main VASP windows program (the one…

  • Created a topic, Works perfectly, on the site Forums:
    Marco is a great person and developer with a big impac…

  • Created a topic, Field stopped appearing in latest version?, on the site Forums:
    Olá Marco!For our store we use CheckoutWC which replac…

  • Posted a reply to Pickup points are unavailable (on holiday) but still show up in the search, on the site Forums:
    They requested us to send them examples of these broken / unsynced pickup points which…

  • Posted a reply to Pickup points are unavailable (on holiday) but still show up in the search, on the site Forums:
    Update: we have also contacted VASP on this issue

  • Created a topic, Pickup points are unavailable (on holiday) but still show up in the search, on the site Forums:
    During these summer holidays we have had an issue wher…

  • Created a topic, Omnichannel chat / contact button, on the site Forums:
    A great omnichannel / multichannel chat / contact butt…

  • Posted a reply to Not logging WooCommerce emails, on the site Forums:
    I have the same problem, I use oxygen (themeless builder plugin) and I have some…

  • Created a topic, Clean, Great UI, Fast, works great!, on the site Forums:
    It's hard to be any better. It's perfect :)

  • Created a topic, It’s the best., on the site Forums:
    It's the best. I purchased PRO and they provide great …

  • Created a topic, Days of the week?, on the site Forums:
    hey there! I am curious if is it possible with this pl…

  • Posted a reply to Is google “One Tap” supported?, on the site Forums:
    Yes it would be great because it's an amazing way to decrease friction for user…

  • Created a topic, Is google “One Tap” supported?, on the site Forums:
    Hello! I was trying to find this info but I could not …

  • Created a topic, Very slow plugin, on the site Forums:
    Facebook for WooCommerce plugin makes my product pages…

  • Posted a reply to Force users to select a shipping location (Disable the default pickup location), on the site Forums:
    we contacted directly with Webdados to solve this issue.

  • Created a topic, Force users to select a shipping location (Disable the default pickup location), on the site Forums:
    This is a question if it's possible to achieve and als…

  • Created a topic, An essential plugin, glad the devs are great!, on the site Forums:
    An amazing, essential plugin to any store that gets a …

  • Posted a reply to merge cart, on the site Forums:
    This is a very serious and important request and I stand behind it As a…

  • Posted a reply to Exclude Cookies not working?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you very much! So far that seems to have fixed and it appears to…

  • Posted a reply to Exclude Cookies not working?, on the site Forums:
    I am not 100% sure if this is what you requested but I tried to…

  • Posted a reply to Exclude Cookies not working?, on the site Forums:
    I understand, because the referral cookie can come from anyone at any random time from…

  • Created a topic, Exclude Cookies not working?, on the site Forums:
    Hey there guys. I'm using a fairly recent plugin that …

  • Posted a reply to Add new document with extra “Create PDF” button on admin order preview page?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you guys! However just to make sure I understand, it only adds one more…

  • Created a topic, Add new document with extra “Create PDF” button on admin order preview page?, on the site Forums:
    Hello! Is it possible to add a new "Document" aside f…

  • Created a topic, Not working just in Product Attributes?, on the site Forums:
    I enable the plugin and product categories and tags ge…

  • Created a topic, Exclude caching from pages, on the site Forums:
    Hello, lately we have been having sporadically problem…