

I have several hats I put on each day. I’m an ESL instructor, a poet, and web developer. However, I’m most known for my vocalization about my political views and philosophy.


Poetry, Politics, PHP, Food, Cooking, Vegetarian, Restaurants, Travel, Comedy, Typography, Design, Meditation

WordPress Origin Story

I first found out about WordPress when it was still in its infancy on WebMasterWorld and had a second opinion about it by my sister’s ex-husband. I had already used Blogspot, but it had very limited capabilities (and still does).

My other sites at the time were purely written from the ground up in PHP and XHTML. Such a hassle! My only wish is that WordPress would’ve come along earlier so I wouldn’t’ve had to have spent so much time editing PHP and XHTML back then

  • Member Since: June 6th, 2009
  • Location: My bedroom floor
  • Website:
  • Job Title: Owner
  • Employer: Bright Dreams Journal
  • Find me on:
  • Created a topic, Not too shabby!, on the site Forums:
    Why it's great: it's low weight, fast, and easily cust…