@imatoni on, @Imatoni on Slack
- Member Since: May 28th, 2018
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Contribution History
Phil’s badges:- Marketing Contributor
- Marketing Team
- Meetup Organizer
- Translation Contributor
- WordCamp Organizer
Created a topic, Change headline tags, on the site Forums:
Hello, is there a possibility to manipulate the hea… -
Reopened ticket #60052 on Core Trac:
Error when deleting media if default taxonomies have been removed -
Closed ticket #60052 on Core Trac:
Error when deleting media if default taxonomies have been removed -
Created ticket #60052 on Core Trac:
Error when deleting media if default taxonomies have been removed -
Created a topic, daterangepicker is not a function, on the site Forums:
Hello,we get a javascript error on the followging page… -
Posted a reply to Cookie hideTOC deleted on second page load, on the site Forums:
Hello I have investigated it more closely today. The feature I mentioned was still available… -
Posted a reply to Cookie hideTOC deleted on second page load, on the site Forums:
Hello Magazine3, thank you for your answer. The TOC should be expanded when the website… -
Created a topic, Cookie hideTOC deleted on second page load, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have a question about cookies. On our p… -
Posted a reply to Produc propertys indiviudell for variants, on the site Forums:
Ok thanks. Something like that is already known. I wonder why there isn't a plugin… -
Posted a reply to Produc propertys indiviudell for variants, on the site Forums:
Hello Igor, Thank you for your answer. The proposed plugin looks interesting. However, we need… -
Created a topic, Produc propertys indiviudell for variants, on the site Forums:
`Hello, I have a question about product variants and … -
Posted a reply to Problem with e-mails sent on wrong triggers, on the site Forums:
Ok, thats good to know. I will write an post. Thanks -
Created a topic, Problem with e-mails sent on wrong triggers, on the site Forums:
Hello, We have a problem sending emails through Learn… -
Posted a reply to PHP Error auto-update-watcher.php on line 183 (with WP Time Capsule), on the site Forums:
OK,... the problem is solved. If someone else is looking for the problem: WP Time… -
Created a topic, PHP Error auto-update-watcher.php on line 183 (with WP Time Capsule), on the site Forums:
Hello, I have recently installed the plugin of "WP Ti… -
Created a topic, Custom listings by hook?, on the site Forums:
Hello, what are the possibilities to add own listings… -
Posted a reply to Accordion on IE11, on the site Forums:
Hi Ben, thanks for looking! Yes, we don't really care for IE11 any more either… -
Created a topic, Event is sent twice, on the site Forums:
Hello, For our form, the event is sent twice to Googl… -
Posted a reply to Blockmeister disables Excerpts on page, on the site Forums:
Yep ! It works .. your are awesome ! Thank you very much ! :-) -
Created a topic, Accordion on IE11, on the site Forums:
Hello Dear Team of Kadence Blocks, with great pleasur… -
Posted a reply to Conflict: Kadence / Gutenberg Anchor Block Plugin, on the site Forums:
Hi hannah,.. it's -
Created a topic, Conflict: Kadence / Gutenberg Anchor Block Plugin (Anchor Plugin), on the site Forums:
Hi there, there seems to be a conflict between the Ka… -
Posted a reply to Conflict: Kadence / Gutenberg Anchor Block Plugin, on the site Forums:
whoops.. sorry. double posting.. unable to delete it. -
Posted a reply to Conflict: Kadence / Gutenberg Anchor Block Plugin, on the site Forums:
Hello, there seems to be a conflict between the Kadence plugin and the Gutenberg Anchor-Block… -
Created a topic, Conflict: Kadence / Gutenberg Anchor Block Plugin, on the site Forums:
Hello, there seems to be a conflict between the Kaden… -
Created a topic, Blockmeister disables Excerpts on page, on the site Forums:
Hello, I have a problem with a page that "Blockmeiste… -
Posted a reply to Highlight current section, on the site Forums:
I was able to solve it myself. Was only a little bit of jQuery code… -
Created a topic, Highlight current section, on the site Forums:
Hi, I would like to know, if and how it is possible t… -
Created a topic, Running into 500 Redirect error on setting save, on the site Forums:
Hello, I would like to use your plugin for a WordPres… -
Posted a reply to Hook to identify ACF Blocks by custom code, on the site Forums:
Ok, that makes sense. Do you have any idea how i could control, that the… -
Created a topic, Hook to identify ACF Blocks by custom code, on the site Forums:
Hello, I refer to this post:… -
Created a topic, Back Button not working on tab click, on the site Forums:
Hello, I noticed that there is a problem with the bro… -
Created a topic, Reload Ads without reloading the page, on the site Forums:
Hello dear support :-) we use ads in connection with … -
Posted a reply to Make a course category free if another course from category was booked, on the site Forums:
Hello Brian, sorry, but I have to ask again here. We only need a hook… -
Created a topic, Make a course category free if another course from category was booked, on the site Forums:
Hi, we would like to make the (secondary) courses fro… -
Posted a reply to Dropdown /Multiselect Field with values by Ajax, on the site Forums:
Hi, any news about this topic? Problem is still the same. Thanks -
Created a topic, Dropdown /Multiselect Field with values by Ajax, on the site Forums:
Hi UM-Team, I'm searching for an opportunity to set t… -
Posted a reply to Using browser gps data for geotargeting, on the site Forums:
Hi hennigaa, thanks for your reply. Nope, i think it isn't anything I'm looking for.… -
Created a topic, Using browser gps data for geotargeting, on the site Forums:
Hi, I wonder if this plugin has an option to use the … -
Created a topic, Cleanup unused user meta fields, on the site Forums:
Hi, after configurating the UM-Plugin I have a lot of… -
Posted a reply to Seite vor der Weiterleitung zu Paypal einsetzen, on the site Forums:
Hi, danke für deine Nachricht. Leider hilft das nicht. Ich suche ja eine Möglichkeit einen… -
Created a topic, Seite vor der Weiterleitung zu Paypal einsetzen, on the site Forums:
Hallo, gibt es eine Möglichkeit den Paypal-Weiterleit… -
Wrote a new post, Marketingteam Meetingprotokoll vom 18.09.2019, on the site Team DE:
Teilnehmer: Phillip Groschup, Reimar Kosack, Matthias Bathke, Robert Windisch, Dennis Protokollant: Phillip Groschup Agenda: -… -
Created a topic, single-faq pages, on the site Forums:
Hi there, we found out, there is an url like domain.t… -
Wrote a new post, Welcome to WordCamp Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany, on the site WordCamp Würzburg, Bavaria, Germany:
Organizers note: Please update the portions with red text. We're happy to announce that WordCamp… -
Wrote a new post, Marketingteam Meetingprotokoll vom 24.07.2019, on the site Team DE:
Teilnehmer: @reimark, @Imatoni , @Matthias Bathke, @thomasmorus1478, @dennis heiden, @coachbirgit Protokollant: @Imatoni Gute Nachrichten Thread:… -
Wrote a new post, Marketingteam Meetingprotokoll vom 10.07.2019, on the site Team DE:
Teilnehmer: @reimark, @coachbirgit, @Imatoni , @Matthias Bathke, @elschnet, @thomasmorus1478 Protokollant: @imatoni Agenda Gute Nachrichten Wir… -
Wrote a new post, Marketingteam DE – Meetingprotokoll vom 17.04.2019, on the site Team DE:
Teilnehmer: Reimar (@reimark), Phillip (@imatoni), Detlef (@idet), Marius (@Marius), Robert (@nullbytes) Kurzübersicht: Promotion Video für… -
Wrote a new post, Marketingteam DE – Meetingprotokoll vom 31.10.2018, on the site Team DE:
Teilnehmer: Birgit (@coachbirgit), Reimar (@reimark), Thomas(@thomasmorus1478), Phil (@imatoni) Agenda: Kurze Vorstellungsrunde Globales vs. lokales #marketing… -
Joined the organizing team for WordCamp Würzburg 2018