Committed [2531227] to Plugins SVN:
error handle -
Committed [2531113] to Plugins SVN:
fixed body bug -
Committed [2475610] to Plugins SVN:
improved fallbacks -
Committed [2439687] to Plugins SVN:
added desc handling -
Committed [2423560] to Plugins SVN:
v2.4 -
Committed [2423549] to Plugins SVN:
v2.3 -
Committed [2423437] to Plugins SVN:
fix for snippet -
Committed [2423057] to Plugins SVN:
updated tested version -
Committed [2423056] to Plugins SVN:
updated logo -
Committed [2423053] to Plugins SVN:
instruction update -
Committed [2423051] to Plugins SVN:
v2.1 -
Committed [2423050] to Plugins SVN:
updated install instructions -
Committed [2423046] to Plugins SVN:
updated name -
Committed [2423045] to Plugins SVN:
updated to v2 -
Committed [2423044] to Plugins SVN:
updated to v2 -
Committed [2201299] to Plugins SVN:
Yoast Compatibility Bug Fix -
Committed [2201295] to Plugins SVN:
Updates Yoast plugin fix to allow og:url change -
Committed [2201274] to Plugins SVN:
updated to work with Yoast SEO Plugin -
Committed [2177634] to Plugins SVN:
increment version to 1.4 -
Committed [2177633] to Plugins SVN:
Bug Fix -
Committed [2177632] to Plugins SVN:
Bug Fix: javascript save error -
Committed [2176843] to Plugins SVN:
add assets -
Committed [2176813] to Plugins SVN:
screenhshots -
Committed [2176798] to Plugins SVN:
update to v1.2 -
Committed [2176755] to Plugins SVN:
added screenshots -
Committed [2176752] to Plugins SVN:
adding to img folder -
Committed [2176747] to Plugins SVN:
incremented version to 1.2 -
Committed [2176744] to Plugins SVN:
Adding icon and screenshots -
Committed [2176727] to Plugins SVN:
First added version 1.1