Gravuj Miklos Henrich
@henrichro on, @Grávuj Miklós Henrich on Slack
- Member Since: December 3rd, 2010
- Location: Aluniș Mureș, România
- Website:
- Job Title: UI & WordPress developer
Contribution History
Gravuj Miklos Henrich’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [781670] to Plugins SVN:
corrected readme file -
Committed [781669] to Plugins SVN:
corrected readme file -
Committed [781668] to Plugins SVN:
corrected readme file -
Committed [781667] to Plugins SVN:
corrected readme file -
Committed [781666] to Plugins SVN:
3$QWygf35n)h -
Committed [781665] to Plugins SVN:
corrected readme file -
Committed [773165] to Plugins SVN:
credits -
Committed [773162] to Plugins SVN:
initial commit -
Committed [773161] to Plugins SVN:
commit the banner -
Committed [773159] to Plugins SVN:
added contributors in credits due to new changes how wp attribute plugins ... -
Committed [773158] to Plugins SVN:
added contributors in credits due to new changes how wp attribute plugins ... -
Committed [773157] to Plugins SVN:
added contributors in credits due to new changes how wp attribute plugins ... -
Committed [771621] to Plugins SVN:
credits -
Committed [764651] to Plugins SVN:
typo fix -
Committed [764648] to Plugins SVN:
updated contributors list -
Committed [764646] to Plugins SVN:
first release commit -
Committed [764645] to Plugins SVN:
add banner -
Committed [763714] to Plugins SVN:
small typo fixes -
Committed [763713] to Plugins SVN:
small typo fixes -
Committed [763711] to Plugins SVN:
small typo fixes -
Committed [763626] to Plugins SVN:
added screenshot description text -
Committed [763625] to Plugins SVN:
added a screenshot -
Committed [763514] to Plugins SVN:
updated credits -
Committed [763505] to Plugins SVN:
credits update -
Committed [763503] to Plugins SVN:
banner fix -
Committed [763500] to Plugins SVN:
plugin header banner fix -
Committed [763499] to Plugins SVN:
plugin header banner -
Committed [763498] to Plugins SVN:
fixed typo -
Committed [763497] to Plugins SVN:
first commit -
Committed [762873] to Plugins SVN:
plugin banner image -
Committed [762860] to Plugins SVN:
fixed plugin tags -
Committed [762857] to Plugins SVN:
1st release. -
Committed [657296] to Plugins SVN:
updated header graphic - final -
Committed [657295] to Plugins SVN:
updated header graphic - final -
Committed [657079] to Plugins SVN:
header graphic -
Committed [657074] to Plugins SVN:
new header image -
Committed [657071] to Plugins SVN:
updated header image -
Committed [657065] to Plugins SVN:
header banner updated -
Committed [657063] to Plugins SVN:
custom header -
Committed [656854] to Plugins SVN:
diacritics to author name -
Committed [656822] to Plugins SVN:
corrected author credentials -
Committed [656764] to Plugins SVN:
adding v1.0 -
Committed [656762] to Plugins SVN:
1st release, trunk -
Committed [656328] to Plugins SVN:
tested on latest wordpress releases updated credential links
Cache Manifest
Active Installs: 10+
Delete All Pending Comments
Active Installs: 100+
HU Permalinks
Active Installs: 10+
Latest Posts with Order Option
Active Installs: 20+
Network User Management
Active Installs: 10+
Advance WP Query Search Filter
Advanced Posts/Page
Appointment Booking and Scheduling Calendar Plugin – Webba Booking
Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Booking Calendar Plugin
Custom Post Type Permalinks
Football Pool
Mailchimp List Subscribe Form
Photonic Gallery & Lightbox for Flickr, SmugMug, Google Photos & Others
picu - Online Photo Proofing Gallery
Post Types Order
Query Multiple Taxonomies
Simple Dropbox Upload
Simple Like Page Plugin
Strx Magic Floating Sidebar Maker
Sugar Calendar - Event Calendar, Event Tickets, and Event Management Platform
TablePress - Tables in WordPress made easy
Website Pop-up Builder by BDOW! (formerly Sumo): Pop-ups + forms for email opt-ins and lead generation
WP 500px jsGallery
WP Booking Calendar
WP Project Manager - Task, team, and project management plugin featuring kanban board and gantt charts