Created a topic, Pagos divididos, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Quisiera saber si existe algún plugin para agre… -
Posted a reply to Problema de Diseño, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @jose64 Gracias por la ayuda. Decidí cambiar de plantilla por una bien optimizada y… -
Posted a reply to Problema con variaciones, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @jose64 También se puede ver mediante el link de imagen https://postimg.cc/gallery/phLwKNg -
Created a topic, Problema con variaciones, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Estoy teniendo un problema con las variaciones … -
Posted a reply to Problema de Diseño, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Me disculpo, tenía el sitio web en modo mantenimiento, ahora se debería ver sin… -
Posted a reply to Mejorar Pasarela de Pago – Finalizar Compra, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Muchas gracias. Todas las opciones me sirvieron para testear algunas opciones. He decidido utilizar… -
Created a topic, Problema de Diseño, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Estoy teniendo un problema en este sitio web y … -
Created a topic, Mejorar Pasarela de Pago – Finalizar Compra, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Quisiera saber si existe algún plugin para mejo… -
Posted a reply to Problema con Productos Variables, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola Fernando, Efectivamente era problema de un plugin, así que reemplacé ese por otro similar… -
Created a topic, Problema con Productos Variables, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, espero que estés bien Estoy teniendo un problem… -
Posted a reply to Contact Form 7 Avanzado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @jose64 Muchas gracias, estoy utilizando ese plugin, no es exactamente lo que quería pero… -
Created a topic, Contact Form 7 Avanzado, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Quisiera saber si es posible realizar un formul… -
Posted a reply to Possible CSS problem, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi leo, That's right, I'll open a support topic in the premium forum. In a… -
Created a topic, Possible CSS problem, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I have WooCommerce installed with the Generate… -
Created a topic, Cálculo de peso para productos, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Necesito implementar una opción para cáculo de p… -
Created a topic, Add Information in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hola, I would like to know how to add icons / items of… -
Created a topic, Agregar Información en WooCommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Quisiera saber como agregar iconos/items de Ent… -
Created a topic, No logro Ocultar Información Adicional, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Intento ocultar la información adicional pero n… -
Posted a reply to Ocultar «Ordenar por» en WooCommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Muchas gracias @almendron Daré el tema por solucionado. -
Posted a reply to Ocultar «Ordenar por» en WooCommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Estoy pensandolo, por ahora solo aumentar el espacio que hay entre "Ordenar por" y los… -
Posted a reply to Ocultar «Ordenar por» en WooCommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola @almendron Recién me puse a mirar todo el código CSS del Tema Hijo. Lo… -
Created a topic, Ocultar «Ordenar por» en WooCommerce, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Estoy teniendo un problema al intentar ocultar … -
Posted a reply to Customize products – Spaces, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I finally found the solution. There are two options: - Give an internal spacing… -
Posted a reply to Personalizar productos – Espacios, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, He probado con los dos códigos y me decanté por el segundo ya que… -
Posted a reply to Customize products – Spaces, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, That's weird, on my computer it looks really good. I mean the space between… -
Created a topic, Customize products – Spaces, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I'm trying to separate the image of the produc… -
Created a topic, Personalizar productos – Espacios, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Estoy tratando de separa un poco la imagen del … -
Posted a reply to Problema al implementar Fuente, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola Toni, El problema era que no estaba colocando "font" en la ubicación. Al principio… -
Posted a reply to Add icon in Online Store, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I would like to implement it under the Add to Cart button or in… -
Created a topic, Add icon in Online Store, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello! I'm writing because I have a problem with an O… -
Created a topic, Adding product icons, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I would like to know if there is any way to add c… -
Posted a reply to Problem whit Tab in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
I'll see what I can do, I already sent a message to the add-on support… -
Posted a reply to Problem whit Tab in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I come back with another little problem. I hid the WooCoomerce tabs with the… -
Posted a reply to Problem whit Tabs in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
This occurs because you’re adding padding to an element that has set width, which increases… -
Posted a reply to Problem whit Tab in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I have included box-sizing: border-box; in the CSS and the problem has been solved.… -
Created a topic, Problem whit Tabs in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Problem whit tabs for WooCommerce. The content of… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Yith Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I have already solved it in my localhost installation. I had to configure the… -
Posted a reply to Problem whit Tabs in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, The style, if I'm not mistaken, is controlled by the "TabWoo - Extra Tabs… -
Created a topic, Problem whit Tabs in WooCommerce, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Problem whit tabs for WooCommerce. The content of… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Yith Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I have just uploaded the changes in the Shop (Tienda) with the plugin installed.… -
Posted a reply to Alinear Botón Añadir al Carrito de los Productos, on the site Foros de soporte:
Hola, Las diferentes longitudes en los nombres de producto hacen que ocupen diferente cantidad de… -
Posted a reply to Problem with Yith Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, I'm working at localhost but I uploaded a copy at highmove.kreathors.com -
Created a topic, Problem with Yith Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi, Problem with Yith Woocommerce Ajax Product Filter… -
Posted a reply to Problem implementing Source, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Perfect! The problem was that I was not placing "fonts" in the location. At first… -
Posted a reply to Problem implementing Source, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi David, I have already tried this, but the problem remains. It must be something… -
Posted a reply to Problem implementing Source, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
To that address you would have to add "fonts" (which is the folder where all… -
Posted a reply to Problem implementing Source, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi Tom, The font files are in the root folder of the child theme, along… -
Posted a reply to Problem implementing Source, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
In my case what I did was to upload the fonts folder to the "child… -
Posted a reply to Problem implementing Source, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hi @ejcabquina, I'm working at localhost, I uploaded a copy at https://highmove.kreathors.com/ I'm going to… -
Created a topic, Problem implementing Source, on the site WordPress.org Forums:
Hello, I have implemented the source Ginora Sans with…