Dragos Schiopu
@haotik on WordPress.org
WordPress Origin Story
- Member Since: March 8th, 2007
- Location: Ploiesti, Romania
- Website: DragosSchiopu.ro
Contribution History
Dragos Schiopu’s badges:- Plugin Developer
Committed [337458] to Plugins SVN:
increase options -
Committed [337457] to Plugins SVN:
bugs, domaintext -
Committed [337398] to Plugins SVN:
language files -
Committed [337384] to Plugins SVN:
language preparing textdomain -
Committed [324802] to Plugins SVN:
tag ver 1 -
Committed [324800] to Plugins SVN:
first version of LER -
Committed [232065] to Plugins SVN:
1.1 tag -
Committed [232062] to Plugins SVN:
Adding bit.ly service -
Committed [229917] to Plugins SVN:
corection -
Committed [229915] to Plugins SVN:
new stable version 1.0 with tweet this options -
Committed [229913] to Plugins SVN:
remove romanian from autor page -
Committed [229912] to Plugins SVN:
new stable version 1.0 with tweet this options -
Committed [229911] to Plugins SVN:
tweet this part finished, full functional version -
Committed [227961] to Plugins SVN:
create tags -
Committed [227955] to Plugins SVN:
Widgeting on twitter counter v.0.2 -
Committed [226152] to Plugins SVN:
tag vor first version -
Committed [226150] to Plugins SVN:
First stable version of ProTwitter -
Committed [226149] to Plugins SVN:
Adding first version of my plugin -
Committed [202014] to Plugins SVN:
fix -
Committed [202013] to Plugins SVN:
clean -
Committed [202012] to Plugins SVN:
readme fix -
Committed [202010] to Plugins SVN:
readme fix -
Committed [202009] to Plugins SVN:
name fix -
Committed [202007] to Plugins SVN:
clean -
Committed [202005] to Plugins SVN:
new tags added -
Committed [202003] to Plugins SVN:
New version 2.0 add Bing and Alexa meta key -
Committed [201940] to Plugins SVN:
Add version 1.2 -
Committed [201934] to Plugins SVN:
Some code optimization -
Committed [195735] to Plugins SVN:
tagging version 1.0 -
Committed [195729] to Plugins SVN:
First version of Fast Verification Plugin
WPMU Fast Verification for Google Webmaster Tools and Yahoo! Site Explorer
Active Installs: 20+