Closed ticket #1411 on BuddyPress Trac:
Blog / Blogs -
Reopened ticket #1789 on BuddyPress Trac:
Forum directory sidebar tag links don't work properly -
Closed ticket #1679 on BuddyPress Trac:
Append "Group: " string to select option menu on BP homepage -
Reopened ticket #1557 on BuddyPress Trac:
Comment field - click away to close textfield needed -
Created ticket #1850 on BuddyPress Trac:
Wrong username under Notification settings -
Reopened ticket #1815 on BuddyPress Trac:
Error on 'Visit Random Blog' -
Reopened ticket #1266 on BuddyPress Trac:
Member Directory search pagination bug - IE8 and Chrome -
Reopened ticket #1551 on BuddyPress Trac:
's' search term breaks groups search -
Reopened ticket #1633 on BuddyPress Trac:
Button area's on the frontpage which isn't linkable -
Created ticket #1785 on BuddyPress Trac:
'Not Found' message when clicking "..." on pagination -
Created ticket #1644 on BuddyPress Trac:
New blog update shown with vertical scrollbar and wrong info